As the new Republican House majority wrestles with ways to cut our unsustainable budget deficit, Barack Obama threw down the gauntlet. On March 14 he said: "We cannot cut education." But why not? If we are going to cut programs that are proven to … [Read more...] about Education Spending Has a Simple Solution
Bachmann Exposes $105 Billion Secret
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has again demonstrated her extraordinary leadership in the U.S. House. She discovered $105 billion of taxpayers' money that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi had hidden in ObamaCare. Now Rep. Bachmann wants her … [Read more...] about Bachmann Exposes $105 Billion Secret
Death for Innovation
The Democratic Senate is itching to pass a bill that will mean death for innovation, which is the backbone of American economic growth. Senator Patrick Leahy's (D-VT) bill, S.23, is called patent reform, but it's not reform; it will kill … [Read more...] about Death for Innovation
Free Trade with Protectionists Cheats U.S. — March 2011
Free Trade with Protectionists Cheats U.S. It looks like the Russians fooled us again in nuclear treaty negotiations. After President Obama bamboozled the Senate into a hurry-up ratification of his New START Treaty, Russia impudently rejected the … [Read more...] about Free Trade with Protectionists Cheats U.S. — March 2011
Cheers for Repeal of ObamaCare
The U.S. House did what its candidates had promised and the voters expected: the House passed 245 to 189 a repeal of ObamaCare, the centerpiece of Socialism. Three Democrats joined every single Republican, with Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Steve King … [Read more...] about Cheers for Repeal of ObamaCare
Detaching the Anchor from Anchor Babies
It's long overdue for Congress to stop the racket of bringing pregnant women into this country to give birth, receive free medical care, and then call their babies U.S. citizens entitled to all American rights and privileges plus generous … [Read more...] about Detaching the Anchor from Anchor Babies
Let There Be Light
If we want to continue to enjoy the bright, warm light that Thomas Edison's incandescent bulb radiates, Congress will have to repeal Subtitle B of Title III of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Environmental "standards" … [Read more...] about Let There Be Light
Time to Freeze Global Warming
The global warming prophets and propagandists, who enjoy living in style on other people's money, gathered last month in the plush resort of Cancun, Mexico, where January temperatures usually hover around 80 degrees. God must have a sense of … [Read more...] about Time to Freeze Global Warming
Government by Regulations Instead of Laws and Treaties
Republicans are assuming that Cap-and-trade (a.k.a. Cap-and-tax) is dead because Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid lacks the votes to bring up the House-passed bill and because this issue proved a loser in the 2010 House races. Like the famous Mark … [Read more...] about Government by Regulations Instead of Laws and Treaties
The Paycheck Unfairness Act
Women didn't vote for Democratic candidates in the November election in the numbers expected, so President Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid want to woo them back into the fold by passing the Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA) in the … [Read more...] about The Paycheck Unfairness Act