This year, the cheerleaders for big government are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the launching of Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. This should be an occasion for mourning, not celebration, because that was the most expensive legislative … [Read more...] about Semicentennial of LBJ’s War on Poverty
Unmasking the Imperial Presidency
“Imperial Presidency” perfectly describes what the Obama Administration has become as it increasingly violates the limits on its power defined by the U.S. Constitution. Criticisms of how President Obama is overstepping his authority are … [Read more...] about Unmasking the Imperial Presidency
Facts and Fallacies About Paycheck Fairness
Barack Obama and his feminist friends have been trotting out their tiresome slogan that women are paid only 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. Every reputable scholar who has commented has proved this is a notorious falsehood which anyone should … [Read more...] about Facts and Fallacies About Paycheck Fairness
Was It an April Fool Joke?
U.S. control of the Internet’s basic functions has kept the Web free for Americans and for the entire world. And it’s up to us to keep it that way. As Ronald Reagan said during the great Panama Canal controversy in the mid-1970s, … [Read more...] about Was It an April Fool Joke?
Victory for Honest Elections
A federal court in Kansas just rendered a much-needed decision against the federal government’s interference with state efforts to combat voter fraud. Kansas and Arizona won total support for their laws to stop voter registration by illegal … [Read more...] about Victory for Honest Elections
Obamacare Has to Go
The surprise victory of Republican David Jolly for a congressional seat in Florida has given new life to voters who had been depressed about the power of the Obama campaign machine. Even more surprising to the media was that Obamacare turned out to … [Read more...] about Obamacare Has to Go
Education Reporter — March 2014
Let’s Read the Polls About Amnesty
The Congressional Budget Office just reported that Obamacare will shrink the U.S. workforce by 2.5 million full-time jobs. That’s stunning confirmation of how Barack Obama’s favorite legislative legacy is (as even Democrats have admitted) … [Read more...] about Let’s Read the Polls About Amnesty
Sessions Gets Right with the Truth
“Get right with the law” is the trendy new poll-tested slogan that’s supposed to make both amnesty-resistant Americans and illegal aliens accept whatever so-called immigration “reform” that Congress considers. Alas, … [Read more...] about Sessions Gets Right with the Truth
Congress Promotes Foreign Jobs
Congress is about to consider a massive attack on the U.S. Constitution, on the constitutional powers of Congress and the 50 states, and on U.S. sovereignty. This attack is marketed to the public as “free trade,” but it is really a … [Read more...] about Congress Promotes Foreign Jobs