The first question asked of the presidential candidates at the most recent Republican debate, hosted by CNN in Miami on March 10, was “whether trade deals have been good for the American workers.” Moderator Jake Tapper observed that one … [Read more...] about Candidates Turn Against Trade Deals
Republicans Debate Guest Workers
Why do so many Republicans want to bring foreign guest workers into our country? Even when candidates say they want to “secure the borders” or crack down on illegal immigration, some Republicans just can’t let go of the notion that … [Read more...] about Republicans Debate Guest Workers
How Common Core Ended the Bush Dynasty
As Republicans try to make sense of Donald Trump’s huge victory in the South Carolina primary, the big news is the shellacking of Jeb Bush in a state that voted four times for a George Bush for president. Trump defeated Jeb by the overwhelming … [Read more...] about How Common Core Ended the Bush Dynasty
Justice Scalia’s Untimely Death Should Wake Up Congress
The passing of Justice Antonin Scalia is a terrible loss for our Nation, and a reason for Republicans to rethink their approach to the judicial branch of our government. Scalia’s departure leaves conservatives at a 5-3 disadvantage on the … [Read more...] about Justice Scalia’s Untimely Death Should Wake Up Congress
America’s “Last Chance”
On the eve of the Iowa caucuses, where the first ballots for the next president are cast, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who has not endorsed a candidate, gave a round of interviews declaring that 2016 “is the last chance for the American people to … [Read more...] about America’s “Last Chance”
Will the Republican Establishment Stand Down?
As Republicans prepare to cast their first presidential ballots in Iowa and New Hampshire, the field remains dominated by “outsider” candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, while Establishment favorites Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich … [Read more...] about Will the Republican Establishment Stand Down?
Obamacare Is on Life Support
President Obama’s eighth veto of his presidency came last Friday, when he quietly nixed legislation passed by Congress to repeal major portions of Obamacare. By allowing the crippled health care law to remain on life support for all of 2016, … [Read more...] about Obamacare Is on Life Support
Ryan Leads Republicans to Defeat
When Paul Ryan ran for Speaker of the House of Representatives, he said Republicans “need to move from being an opposition party to being a proposition party.” After a record-breaking eight years as the top Republican on the House Budget … [Read more...] about Ryan Leads Republicans to Defeat
Donald Trump Channels Pat McCarran
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has done it again. Speaking aboard the USS Yorktown on the 74th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Trump called on our government to stop letting Muslims enter the United States … [Read more...] about Donald Trump Channels Pat McCarran
An American Apologizes in Paris
It was only “Issue Three” on the weekly episode of “The McLaughlin Group,” but if President Obama has his way, the 140-nation conference on global warming – excuse me, climate change – will be the most … [Read more...] about An American Apologizes in Paris