CBS paid big bucks for the television rights to come into the living rooms of 100 million Americans on Super Bowl Sunday. But public response to the thrilling last moments of a truly exciting football game may be overwhelmed by public disgust at … [Read more...] about Another CBS Travesty
Copyright Extremists Should Not Control Information Flow
Copyright extremists are working to control as much information as possible. Almost every week we see a new example of how they are thwarting the free flow of information. The leaders of the copyright lobby are the Hollywood movie distributors and … [Read more...] about Copyright Extremists Should Not Control Information Flow
Campaign To Tune Out Channel One
A broad coalition of companies, organizations and activists, ranging from Focus on the Family to Ralph Nader, have kicked off a campaign to stop Primedia's Channel One from exploiting school children for commercial gain. Channel One is the … [Read more...] about Campaign To Tune Out Channel One
Separating Spin From Reality In Bush v. Gore
Al Gore's supporters and their allies in the media continue to falsify the facts about Florida in order to try to delegitimize George W. Bush's election. To make sure that spin does not replace reality, let's examine some of these myths. Myth: The … [Read more...] about Separating Spin From Reality In Bush v. Gore
Is The November Surprise In The Ballot Box?
Are big media trying to steal the presidency and put Al Gore in the White House? The 2000 election confirms the widespread public perception that the media are advocates, not reporters. Major media spent the weekend telephoning Republican electors … [Read more...] about Is The November Surprise In The Ballot Box?
The Future Meets The Past In The Napster Case
"This is a culture war, between the powers that were and that will be." Is he talking about abortion? Gay rights? Hollywood violence? Illegitimacy? No, the culture war is about ownership and regulation of the internet, according to John … [Read more...] about The Future Meets The Past In The Napster Case
The Media Campaign Against Gun Ownership — June 2000
The Media Campaign Against Gun Ownership The Million Moms March was not a grassroots uprising of mothers but a slick media event orchestrated by Bill Clinton's public relations experts and led by Donna Dees-Thomases, who worked for … [Read more...] about The Media Campaign Against Gun Ownership — June 2000
Are Schoolchildren For Sale to Advertisers?
Corporate advertisers know that their television audience is dwindling rapidly. It used to be so easy to market their products to tens of millions in neat 30-second segments efficiently placed on the three major TV networks. The networks have been … [Read more...] about Are Schoolchildren For Sale to Advertisers?
Y2K and the Man of the Century
Most Americans have concluded that the media hype about Y2K computer breakdown and terrorism dangers were mostly that, just hype, probably for the purpose of maintaining media ratings since the Monica soap opera is no longer available for … [Read more...] about Y2K and the Man of the Century
Media Spin Is Covering Up The Facts
Media spin is disguising and distorting the facts that Americans need to know. Let's puncture some of the spin. Spin: The Republicans lost the 1998 Congressional elections. Fact: The Republicans won the 1998 Congressional elections by electing a … [Read more...] about Media Spin Is Covering Up The Facts