The politicians and the journalists have stirred up a big flap in recent weeks about the discovery that the CIA intercepted and read the mail of a number of prominent Americans, including Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, Edward Kennedy, and Bella … [Read more...] about Mail Surveillance
Spectators of Crimes
Eleven years ago, a New York woman named Kitty Genovese became famous as the victim of a prolonged stabbing because 38 neighbors looked out their windows and watched the crime, but did nothing to help her. This year a similar murder took place in the … [Read more...] about Spectators of Crimes
Despite all evidence to the contrary, liberal dogma remains unshaken that crime is-caused by poverty and lack of education, and that therefore crime can be eliminated by spending more government money, sharing the wealth, and giving everybody a … [Read more...] about CRIME AMONG NON-POOR
A policeman is slain by an armed robber in a holdup attempt. A fireman is buried by flaming rubble when a build ing collapses. Unfortunately, these all-too-frequent occurrences in our cities bring an untimely death to a brave man and leave a woman … [Read more...] about BACKSTOPPERS
How ERA Will Affect Our Local Police — February 1975
Every prosecuting attorney knows that, no matter how conclusive the eyewitness and circumstantial evidence, it is next to 'impossible to convince a jury to return a conviction unless a plausible motive for the crime can be presented. Human nature … [Read more...] about AIKEN’S EXPLANATION
New York City has recently developed a new problem a big rise in the number of vicious criminals who are only 12 to 16 years old. These adolescent criminals prey particularly on senior citizens -- those least able to defend themselves against … [Read more...] about YOUTH CRIME & SCHOOLS
The FBI recently reported a six percent increase in violent crime for 1973, a 30 percent increase over the last five years, and a 120 percent increase since I960. What is the cause of this shocking increase, which Attorney General William B. Saxbe … [Read more...] about CAUSE OF CRIME
A year ago the Department of Transportation issued a Federal decree requiring all automobiles manufactured after that date to have a seat belt system that makes it impossible to start a car unless the seat belts are properly fastened. A recent … [Read more...] about AUTO SEAT BELTS
To paraphrase the famous ballad about the old gray mare, the old gray American Bar Association ain't what she used to be. For about 100 years, the American Bar Association was a model of rectitude and dignity, made up of proper lawyers who are … [Read more...] about AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION