The hearings and report of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Government Information prove again the importance and value of Congressional investigations. This function of Congress operates as the best, and often the only, … [Read more...] about Stop Federalizing Local Crimes
Let’s Punish Criminals, Not Snoop on Private Citizens
Are the Republicans in Congress going to roll over and let the Clinton Administration use the Oklahoma City tragedy as an excuse to establish a federal police state with unprecedented power to spy on and harass law-abiding citizens? President Clinton … [Read more...] about Let’s Punish Criminals, Not Snoop on Private Citizens
How the Schools Produce Juvenile Delinquents
Study after study of adolescents at correctional institutions has shown that the one thing they have in common is that they cannot-read. With a research grant funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Michael Brunner set out to determine if the … [Read more...] about How the Schools Produce Juvenile Delinquents
How Children Develop Values — November 1990
Family Violence Is Everyone’s Concern — June 1987
The Real Goals of Women’s Lib — December 1985
President Reagan’s Blunt Warning — May 1982
Schools Should Teach Students To Obey The Law — March 1982
The Law Is On Your Side Parents’ and Pupils’ Rights in Education — October 1981
Appointments to the Supreme Court
What kind of persons should be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, and whether some kind of a qualifying test should be applied, was one of the lesser issues during the 1980 presidential campaign. Columns of newsprint were consumed in denouncing … [Read more...] about Appointments to the Supreme Court