The Financial Squeeze On The U.S. Worker Social Security, Welfare, Jobs, Savings — February 1975
The Arkansas Study On E.R.A. — November 1974
How Government Causes High Prices — October 1974
Jobs are created when private industry and individuals make a capital investment. The reason why American citizens enjoy such a high standard of living is that the free enterprise system has resulted in a higher capital investment per worker than in … [Read more...] about EXPORTING U.S. JOBS
Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch — March 1974
Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have … [Read more...] about Conservatives, Let Down Your Nets For The Catch — March 1974
“Don't bite the hand that feeds you" is an old aphorism that most people abide by except colleges and universities. I’ve been waiting for years for some courageous soul to object to the way universities not only bite, but chew up the businessmen who … [Read more...] about BUSINESS GIFTS TO COLLEGES
Women’s Lib Suppresses Freedom of Press — October 1973
Subsidizing The Soviets With The Trick Called Trade — August 1972
What’s Wrong With “Equal Rights” for Women? — February 1972
Of all the classes of people who ever lived, the American woman is the most privileged. We have the most rights and rewards, and the fewest duties. Our unique status is the result of a fortunate combination of circumstances. 1. We have the immense … [Read more...] about What’s Wrong With “Equal Rights” for Women? — February 1972