One reason why the United States has dropped from first place to tenth on the list of major merchant marine fleets of the world, while the Soviet Union has risen from tenth to seventh place, is buried in a report released recently b.y the U.S. Senate … [Read more...] about Merchant Marine
Short Work Weeks
When federal, state or local governments are faced with the awful necessity of cutting down expenditures, their customary reaction is to cut off essential services first, so as to force the taxpayers to cough up more money. It was a breath of fresh … [Read more...] about Short Work Weeks
Will E.R.A. Make Child-Care The State’s Job? — November 1975
Unemployment —Causes and Solutions — November 1975
Investment Capital
Unemployment in the United States today is the highest in 35 years. There is no way the Federal Government can provide any significant number of the jobs needed, and the current trauma in New York City shows that we cannot look to states or cities … [Read more...] about Investment Capital
Capital Gains Tax
More than 90 percent of all work in the United States is done by machinery. Without this machinery, there would be no automobiles, trucks, railroads., electric power and appliances, telephones, or the many things that give Americans the highest … [Read more...] about Capital Gains Tax
The Hypocrisy of ERA Proponents — July 1975
Housing Fiasco
What has caused the greatest devastation to American cities and towns during the last seven years? Tornadoes? Hurricanes? Earth quakes? Wrong on all three guesses. The answer is the federal housing program which has destroyed $4 billion worth of … [Read more...] about Housing Fiasco
Solution for Unemployment
Our biggest problem today is not the energy shortage. It is the job shortage. More than nine million Americans are un employed, and their savings and unemployment benefits are running out fast. George Meany has been running large newspaper ads to … [Read more...] about Solution for Unemployment
Job Preference
The unemployment rate has climbed to nearly nine percent, the highest since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The plain fact is that there are not enough jobs to go around. However, the economic hardship of unemployment does not fall equally on … [Read more...] about Job Preference