The Boston Globe revealed the reason why tens of thousands of information technology (IT) jobs have been outsourced overseas in the last couple of years, and why major American banks, brokerage houses, and insurance companies plan to shift 500,000 … [Read more...] about The Global Economy “It’s Wonderful!”
Where Are The Jobs Going?
The big argument for the tax cut Congress just passed is that it will create much-needed jobs. But one big question remains: will those jobs be created for Americans, or will corporations simply hire more job-seekers from India and China? It's … [Read more...] about Where Are The Jobs Going?
H-1B Visas Cost American Jobs
Republicans in Congress will soon have the opportunity to prove whether they do the bidding of their corporate contributors or side with their hardworking voters. The corporations are lobbying to extend the Clinton Administration law that raised the … [Read more...] about H-1B Visas Cost American Jobs
Asbestos Is Gold For Trial Lawyers
Asbestos litigation has spun so far out of control that the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal directly from an intermediate state court. Multi-million dollar verdicts are being awarded to healthy plaintiffs based on speculation about … [Read more...] about Asbestos Is Gold For Trial Lawyers
What’s At Stake In Education Committee Chairmanship?
As members of Congress are jockeying for chairmanships in the 107th Congress, the committees that handle big money seem to get all the headlines, but the Education chairmanship may ultimately have the most influence on policy. Public opinion surveys … [Read more...] about What’s At Stake In Education Committee Chairmanship?
What They Didn’t Tell Us Before The China Vote
Only after the House voted 237-197 to pass Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with Communist China did the major news media tell their readers the real purpose behind the bill. The multinationals, who spent tens of millions of dollars lobbying … [Read more...] about What They Didn’t Tell Us Before The China Vote
The Surplus That Politicians Want to Hide
For the fifth straight quarter, the U.S. Treasury opened up its sacks of mail and discovered an unexpected windfall of money. April's surplus is more than three times larger than the Congressional Budget Office and other Congressional forecasters had … [Read more...] about The Surplus That Politicians Want to Hide
Let’s Pass Real Campaign Finance Reform — May 1998
Let's Pass Real Campaign Finance Reform Most of what we hear on the media about "campaign finance reform" constitutes political posturing and "spin" about proposals that would do nothing to correct campaign abuses, but would do a great deal to … [Read more...] about Let’s Pass Real Campaign Finance Reform — May 1998
Big Brother Is on the Prowl
Do you worry that Big Brother (a.k.a. the Federal Government) wants to monitor your e-mail, your phone calls, your health and financial records, and your business? You should, and that's why Sen. John Ashcroft's Subcommittee on the Constitution is … [Read more...] about Big Brother Is on the Prowl
The Ominous Attack on American Inventors — March 1998
The Ominous Attack on American Inventors The high-priced lobbyists for the big multinationals are crawling all over Capitol Hill this month to urge passage of Senator Orrin Hatch's bill, S.507. It is called the Omnibus Patent bill, but it ought to … [Read more...] about The Ominous Attack on American Inventors — March 1998