Just in time for International Women’s Day on March 8, Facebook’s feminist COO, Sheryl Sandberg, appeared on Fox News’ top-rated Megyn Kelly show to complain that “There is a toddler wage gap in this country.” To prove … [Read more...] about The Toddler Wage Gap and the Mommy Wage Gap
Fuzzy Math in Unemployment Statistics
The Department of Labor announced that 252,000 new jobs were added to the U.S. economy in December. The Obama Administration is trying to pander to voters by touting a recent decline in government unemployment figures, but the official unemployment … [Read more...] about Fuzzy Math in Unemployment Statistics
Layoffs Prove the Deceit of Amnesty
The shocking announcement that Microsoft is cutting 18,000 jobs is still sinking in. Most of those employees do not have a realistic chance of obtaining as good a job as the one they are losing. In the United States, the number of engineering jobs … [Read more...] about Layoffs Prove the Deceit of Amnesty
Americans Lose While Immigrants Gain
American-born workers have had a net loss in jobs since 2000, while all of the job growth since then has gone to immigrants, according to a remarkable new study by the Center for Immigration Studies. This revelation comes as some Republican … [Read more...] about Americans Lose While Immigrants Gain
The Racket of Guest Workers
Tom Donohue, U.S. Chamber of Commerce president, just hurled a challenge to Republicans. If they don’t pass amnesty for illegal aliens, they “shouldn’t bother to run a candidate in 2016.” Somebody probably told him that … [Read more...] about The Racket of Guest Workers
Facts and Fallacies About Paycheck Fairness
Barack Obama and his feminist friends have been trotting out their tiresome slogan that women are paid only 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. Every reputable scholar who has commented has proved this is a notorious falsehood which anyone should … [Read more...] about Facts and Fallacies About Paycheck Fairness
Let’s Read the Polls About Amnesty
The Congressional Budget Office just reported that Obamacare will shrink the U.S. workforce by 2.5 million full-time jobs. That’s stunning confirmation of how Barack Obama’s favorite legislative legacy is (as even Democrats have admitted) … [Read more...] about Let’s Read the Polls About Amnesty
Sessions Gets Right with the Truth
“Get right with the law” is the trendy new poll-tested slogan that’s supposed to make both amnesty-resistant Americans and illegal aliens accept whatever so-called immigration “reform” that Congress considers. Alas, … [Read more...] about Sessions Gets Right with the Truth
Congress Promotes Foreign Jobs
Congress is about to consider a massive attack on the U.S. Constitution, on the constitutional powers of Congress and the 50 states, and on U.S. sovereignty. This attack is marketed to the public as “free trade,” but it is really a … [Read more...] about Congress Promotes Foreign Jobs
Minimum Wage and Welfare: the Tradeoff
The Democrats have selected raising the minimum wage as THE issue to protect them from public opposition to the Obamacare fiasco which is dimming their prospects for retaining the Senate in the 2014 elections. But raising the minimum wage may … [Read more...] about Minimum Wage and Welfare: the Tradeoff