When President Clinton held up that health card on television, it wasn't a credit card or a bank card. It was a RATION card, and rationing is the bottom line of his health care "reform." The revelation that 40 percent of Americans will have to pay … [Read more...] about Hillary’s Health Ration Card
Clinton’s Totalitarian Health Plan — November 1993
Hillary’s Totalitarian Health Proposal
The Clinton Administration has ordered a new $26 million telephone system installed in the White House (without competitive bidding), claiming that the one used by the Bush Administration was inadequate to handle the 65,000 calls a day the President … [Read more...] about Hillary’s Totalitarian Health Proposal
Shenanigans of the Clinton Administration — October 1993
So What’s Wrong With Clinton’s Health Plan?
President Clinton gave us a preview of his plan for health care reform in his recent Tulsa speech to the Governors. The bottom line is this: he plans to force every employer in the country to provide health insurance for all employees. To pay for … [Read more...] about So What’s Wrong With Clinton’s Health Plan?
Will We All Pay for “Explosive Disorder Syndrome”?
The Clinton Administration announced this month that mental health care coverage will be part of the "standard benefits package" that all health plans will be required to offer under Hillary's "reform." We are told that this decision was made … [Read more...] about Will We All Pay for “Explosive Disorder Syndrome”?
Hillary’s Health Plan: Medicaid-Style Care For All Americans — July 1993
Saint Hillary Sets Out to Cure the World
Even before her health care plan is ready to reveal to the public, Hillary Rodham Clinton has started her bare-knuckles campaign for a "revolution" in American health care. It's based on the customary Clinton tactics of class envy and of demonizing … [Read more...] about Saint Hillary Sets Out to Cure the World
Conspiring to Milk the Federal Treasury
Ever wonder why the more tax money we allow the politicians to take from us, the more they devise ingenious ways to spend still more? A good example is what's happening to Medicaid, the program intended to provide health care for poor people. … [Read more...] about Conspiring to Milk the Federal Treasury
Hillary, Health Care, and “Remolding” Government — June 1993