The Clinton health bill may be dead, but its components are very much alive in the various bills that are being haggled over this month in Congressional committees. The liberals seem determined to give us a national health board, a one-size-fits-all … [Read more...] about Exotic Solution to Preserving High-Quality Medical Care
Save Freedom — Defeat Phony Health “Reform” — July 1994
Hillary Lite Is Really a Heavy
Bob Dole says he will be glad to let the November elections be a referendum on the employer mandates in Clinton's health care bill. So much, so good, because public opinion opposes mandates. But the Republican Senators' alternative is just as … [Read more...] about Hillary Lite Is Really a Heavy
Public Opinion is Shifting About Health Care
The little boy finally said the emperor has no clothes. Republicans have been mumbling for months that the Clinton health care plan will require big tax increases, but now the powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Dan Rostenkowski, … [Read more...] about Public Opinion is Shifting About Health Care
Big Brother Education, 1994 — May 1994
Memo to Republicans Who Hope to Win Elections
Wake up, Republicans in Congress, and feel the tide rolling across grassroots America. The tide is rushing against government controlled health care, and you have two options. Step out in front and act like you are leading this sea change in public … [Read more...] about Memo to Republicans Who Hope to Win Elections
Who Will Lead the Charge Against Socialized Medicine?
If you are not so worried about the Clinton Socialized Medicine Plan that you are actively working against it, you are in for a rude awakening. Your health and your freedom are in imminent danger of being taken over by the Federal Government. If … [Read more...] about Who Will Lead the Charge Against Socialized Medicine?
Will the Real Republicans Please Stand Up?
Clinton's proposed takeover of all health care spending is the biggest grab for dictatorial power our country has ever seen. It's like a Third World coup, an overnight assumption of dictatorial powers. Unfortunately, most Republicans in Congress … [Read more...] about Will the Real Republicans Please Stand Up?
How Will Your Congressman Vote on Health Care? — February 1994
Questions About Clinton’s Health Care Plan
Ask your Congressman these 20 questions about Clinton's Health Care proposal. If I am dissatisfied with the care or diagnosis given by my health care plan, will I be able to go to a doctor outside of my plan and pay for his services out of my own … [Read more...] about Questions About Clinton’s Health Care Plan