The NEA Union Stays the Leftwing Course The good news is, we were saved from the threat of a mega-union running the public schools when delegates to the National Education Association (NEA) convention this summer repudiated their own leadership by … [Read more...] about The NEA Union Stays the Leftwing Course — August 1998
Feds Grab for Medical Records
One of the major features of Bill and Hillary Clinton's nationalized health care plan, which the public rejected in 1994, was giving the Federal Government a database of every American's medical records. Each person was to have a Health Security Card … [Read more...] about Feds Grab for Medical Records
Explaining Clinton’s High Poll Numbers
It's obvious from the torrent of news stories and TV talking heads that no one in the media, not even his friends, believes Bill Clinton's denials that he had an improper relationship with Monica Lewinsky. The pleas of his friends to come forward and … [Read more...] about Explaining Clinton’s High Poll Numbers
Why Are Republicans Now Backing Clintoncare?
Memories are short. Some Republicans don't seem to remember why they captured control of Congress away from the Democrats in 1994 for the first time in four decades. A major factor in that landmark victory was the American people's decisive rejection … [Read more...] about Why Are Republicans Now Backing Clintoncare?
The Clinton Master Plan To Take Over Education
The Clinton Administration learned a big lesson from the defeat of its plan to take over the entire U.S. health care industry. Releasing its plan as a single 1,342-page bill in 1993 gave conservatives a large target to hit at and … [Read more...] about The Clinton Master Plan To Take Over Education
The Smoking Gun in the Medicaid Mystery
Medicaid, the federal program that provides health care to people on welfare, is one of the biggest problems that the 105th Congress will have to tackle if it is serious about balancing the budget in the foreseeable future. Medicaid … [Read more...] about The Smoking Gun in the Medicaid Mystery
Why Are More Kids Using Drugs?
The alarming rise in illegal drug use by teenagers is big news. Although drug use by adults has leveled off and is actually down since 1985, drug use (mostly in marijuana) among teens aged 12 to 17 is increasing every year, doubling since 1992 to … [Read more...] about Why Are More Kids Using Drugs?
The NEA Is About Politics, Not Education — August 1996
The NEA Is About Politics, Not Education It's hard to see how the Democratic National Convention in August could be any more exciting for Bill Clinton than the annual convention of the National Education Association (NEA) held over the … [Read more...] about The NEA Is About Politics, Not Education — August 1996
We Need Medical Savings Accounts Now — June 1996
We Need Medical Savings Accounts Now Health care is still a major national domestic issue. It didn't go away with the defeat of the Clinton totalitarian proposal in 1994. The Democrats, led by President Bill Clinton and Senator Ted Kennedy, are … [Read more...] about We Need Medical Savings Accounts Now — June 1996
The Reincarnation Of Clinton Care
One of the most obnoxious features of the Clinton health care plan (which died the death of a thousand cuts in 1994) was its creation of a long list of new federal "Health Care Crimes." It now appears that the Republicans, in their eagerness to … [Read more...] about The Reincarnation Of Clinton Care