When a rotavirus (infant diarrhea) vaccine was suddenly withdrawn from the market last year, the public was led to believe that it was because of new information about harmful side effects. At a hearing last week conducted by Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN), … [Read more...] about Congressional Hearing Exposes Conflicts of Interest
Is Ritalin Raising Kids To Be Drug Addicts?
Now that three to four million U.S. schoolchildren are using the controversial stimulant Ritalin, its illicit use is providing a powerful kick to college students, too. Dr. Eric Heiligenstein puts it this way: “The study rooms are as good as some of … [Read more...] about Is Ritalin Raising Kids To Be Drug Addicts?
Why Are We Losing The Drug War?
In a televised Public Service Announcement sponsored by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, sibling tennis champions Venus and Serena Williams shared the secrets of their success. According to the champs, their triumphs in tennis would not have … [Read more...] about Why Are We Losing The Drug War?
Are We Becoming a Society of Snoops? — February 2000
Are We Becoming a Society of Snoops? Concerns have faded about a Y2K breakdown of government computers, but Americans should be worried about how computer efficiency gives the federal government extraordinary powers to monitor the daily … [Read more...] about Are We Becoming a Society of Snoops? — February 2000
Is Government Ordering Experiments on Humans?
It isn't often that federal bureaucrats admit to embarrassment, but the New York Times reported on October 23 that it was "highly embarrassing to federal health officials" to have to admit the "causal association" between the RotaShield rotavirus … [Read more...] about Is Government Ordering Experiments on Humans?
Secret ‘Research’ Behind Policies
Conventional wisdom tells us "you get what you pay for." But the Clinton Administration doesn't want that maxim to apply to the taxpayers. When it comes to research about global warming, other environmental issues, gun control, vaccine mandates, and … [Read more...] about Secret ‘Research’ Behind Policies
No, We Can’t Trust the Government — September 1999
No, We Can't Trust the Government to tell us the truth, to be honest about research behind rules and recommendations, to mandate vaccines that are safe and necessary, to have our health records on a government database, to send government … [Read more...] about No, We Can’t Trust the Government — September 1999
Is There Hanky-Panky Behind Mandatory Vaccines?
After parents whose children had been severely damaged from vaccines attended a couple of congressional hearings, we might have thought Bill Clinton's response would have been, "I feel your pain." Not on your life. The Clinton Administration instead … [Read more...] about Is There Hanky-Panky Behind Mandatory Vaccines?
Emerging Scandal in Vaccine Mandates
A scandal in mandatory mass vaccinations of infants is beginning to surface. Vaccine-caused injuries have just forced the Clinton bureaucrats to make four sensational announcements that bugle temporary retreat from their plans to force all American … [Read more...] about Emerging Scandal in Vaccine Mandates
What Caused Columbine? — June 1999
What Caused Columbine? Everybody's looking for the causes of the terrible tragedy at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, and for ways to prevent such horrible happenings in the future. Hillary Clinton has volunteered her intuition that … [Read more...] about What Caused Columbine? — June 1999