Those who thought ObamaCare was set in concrete by Chief Justice John Roberts’ decision last June are in for a shock. December 14 is the new deadline (extended from November 16) for states to let the feds know, yea or nay, whether or not they … [Read more...] about ObamaCare is Not a Sure Thing
Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders — December 2012
Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders Political Parties Need Rebranding & New Leadership Dozens of explanations have been offered by people who think they are savvy about politics to explain why Mitt Romney lost and Barack Obama was … [Read more...] about Our Task: Educate Grassroots & Leaders — December 2012
Obama Is a Big-Time Law Violator
Where is the Mainstream Media's coverage of the shocking "Memo" issued by nine State Attorneys General (AG) detailing 21 specific violations of law by the Obama Administration? That's too many violations to list in this column, but … [Read more...] about Obama Is a Big-Time Law Violator
What We’ve Learned from the Budget Debate — May 2011
What We've Learned from the Budget Debate Barack Obama's runaway spending is the top issue with grassroots Americans. The problem is a long way from solved, but we've learned a lot from the budget debate. We've turned a corner. The debate is no … [Read more...] about What We’ve Learned from the Budget Debate — May 2011
Bachmann Exposes $105 Billion Secret
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has again demonstrated her extraordinary leadership in the U.S. House. She discovered $105 billion of taxpayers' money that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi had hidden in ObamaCare. Now Rep. Bachmann wants her … [Read more...] about Bachmann Exposes $105 Billion Secret
Cheers for Repeal of ObamaCare
The U.S. House did what its candidates had promised and the voters expected: the House passed 245 to 189 a repeal of ObamaCare, the centerpiece of Socialism. Three Democrats joined every single Republican, with Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Steve King … [Read more...] about Cheers for Repeal of ObamaCare
Detaching the Anchor from Anchor Babies
It's long overdue for Congress to stop the racket of bringing pregnant women into this country to give birth, receive free medical care, and then call their babies U.S. citizens entitled to all American rights and privileges plus generous … [Read more...] about Detaching the Anchor from Anchor Babies
More Unaccountable Obama Czars
Barack Obama has appointed another Czar from Chicago: the new Food Czar Sam Kass. Officially, he is labeled Senior Policy Adviser for Healthy Food Initiatives, but he's joining the list of more than 35 Czars given broad and unaccountable power … [Read more...] about More Unaccountable Obama Czars
Fundamentally Transforming the United States — May 2010
America Becomes a Two-Class Society Income tax day, April 15, 2010, now divides Americans into two almost equal classes: those who pay for the services provided by government and those who don't. The percentage of Americans who will pay no federal … [Read more...] about Fundamentally Transforming the United States — May 2010
Obamacare Versus Freedom
Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi spent the weekend telling Democrats to hurry up and get the job done, i.e., end the legislative agony by passing Obamacare (even though polls show that a solid majority of the American people oppose it). Obama argued, … [Read more...] about Obamacare Versus Freedom