Public outrage continues against Britains’ socialist health care system after the hospital’s controversial decision to withdraw 23-month-old baby Alfie Evans' life support. A series of court rulings sided with doctors who said … [Read more...] about Baby Alfie Saga – A Dark Day for British Justice
Pot Problems In the West
New Year’s Day rang in the sale of pot in retail stores in California. Anyone over the age of 21 may smoke pot on private property now in California. This push for pot is not really coming from the freedom-loving culture of rock music. … [Read more...] about Pot Problems In the West
Big Win for Small Group Insurance
About 20 million Americans rely on the individual and small-group market for health insurance, but that small fraction of our nation has been forced to bear the burden of caring for people with costly pre-existing conditions. That unfair burden of … [Read more...] about Big Win for Small Group Insurance
How Trump Is Improving Health Care
“Since Congress can’t get its act together on Health Care,” Donald Trump tweeted in October, “I will be using the power of the pen to give great Health Care to many people.” Trump’s tweet was followed by a series … [Read more...] about How Trump Is Improving Health Care
Freedom or Socialism, the ‘Real Issue’ of Health Care
It’s astounding to consider how many failed 1990s liberal arguments for socialized healthcare were recycled and repackaged for Obamacare twenty years later. The mainstream media of 1994 took huge leaps to praise Canada’s socialist health care system … [Read more...] about Freedom or Socialism, the ‘Real Issue’ of Health Care
Radio Live: Left Claims Trump Insane, John McCain, Trump Healthcare, Hollywood Sexual Harassment
Left Claims Insanity For Trump As He Disagrees with Their Agenda - McCain is a D.C. Powerbroker - How Trump is Working to Improve the Healthcare System - Four Decades of Sexual Harassment In Hollywood … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Left Claims Trump Insane, John McCain, Trump Healthcare, Hollywood Sexual Harassment
How Trump Is Improving Health Care
“Since Congress can’t get its act together on Health Care,” Donald Trump tweeted last week from his personal Twitter account, “I will be using the power of the pen to give great Health Care to many people.” Trump’s … [Read more...] about How Trump Is Improving Health Care
Radio Live: Spending Cuts, Trump Sticks To GOP Platform, Heartbeat Bill Update, Real Health Care Reform
Cutting Taxes Requires Cutting Spending - Trump Sticks To Conservative GOP Platform - Heartbeat Bill Update and why this is the better bill - Real Health Care Reform … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Spending Cuts, Trump Sticks To GOP Platform, Heartbeat Bill Update, Real Health Care Reform
Freedom or Socialism, the ‘Real Issue’ of Health Care
As the battle on Obamacare continues to rage in the halls of Congress, the well of wisdom found in the Phyllis Schlafly Report can give decisive direction to critical conservatives. The July 1994 issue talks about Hillary Clinton’s botched attempt at … [Read more...] about Freedom or Socialism, the ‘Real Issue’ of Health Care
Radio Live: Moore Defeats Establishment, ObamaCare Wins, John Schlafly on NFL Leaves America
People choose Judge Roy Moore over establishment candidate Luther Strange and what that means for the country. GOP still unable to bring down ObamaCare. John Schlafly discusses his column on how the NFL will regret leaving America and their fan base. … [Read more...] about Radio Live: Moore Defeats Establishment, ObamaCare Wins, John Schlafly on NFL Leaves America