Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · September 27 | The Case Against Vaccine Mandates Shanghai-born CNN commentator Leana Wen, who is the former president of Planned Parenthood, outrageously said “It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated.” Wen’s … [Read more...] about The Case Against Vaccine Mandates
Biden Approval Tanks While Dems Scrape for Votes
For Immediate Release: September 23, 2021Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Vaccine Mandates Tank Biden Among Black Voters Washington, D.C.: "While the media is distracted with drama in Congress, Biden's numbers are spinning down … [Read more...] about Biden Approval Tanks While Dems Scrape for Votes
Engage In Love, Not In Anger | 09.22.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is we have to engage in love, not anger. In the wake of the Texas Heartbeat Law and the Mississippi abortion case before the U.S. Supreme Court, the media is lifting up destructive and sad pro-abortion stories and advocates to … [Read more...] about Engage In Love, Not In Anger | 09.22.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Trump Vindicated on Covid Origin
After publishing articles that wrongly disparaged anyone who suggests that Covid-19 might be a man-made virus from China, the liberal British medical journal Lancet makes a U-turn by publishing a new article harshly criticizing its prior ones. … [Read more...] about Trump Vindicated on Covid Origin
Don’t Conflate COVID Mandates and Science
For Immediate Release: September 20, 2021Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Statist Politicians Continue To Scream "Pandemic For Thee But Not For Me" Washington, D.C.: "Leftist elites continue to preach mandates and restrictions … [Read more...] about Don’t Conflate COVID Mandates and Science
What You Focus On is What You Become | 09.17.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is What you focus on is who you become! And what you focus on is what you aim towards, as a man and a nation. We need to focus on the right things: God, Family, & Nation. Not fear and hate. John Schlafly, treasurer for … [Read more...] about What You Focus On is What You Become | 09.17.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Can Biden Compel 70M Americans?
President Biden’s televised threat to compel most Americans to receive the controversial Covid vaccine raises tyranny to a level rarely before seen in our great country. Going a step further, public health guru Dr. Anthony Fauci has endorsed … [Read more...] about Can Biden Compel 70M Americans?
Biden’s Door-to-Door Vaccine Disaster
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · September 14 | Biden's Door-to-Door Vaccine Disaster A third of Americans will not voluntarily receive a vaccine against the Wuhan virus, as politicians who rely on polls have known. The origin of the Wuhan virus is … [Read more...] about Biden’s Door-to-Door Vaccine Disaster
Accountability Crisis in American Leadership | 09.13.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is There's a Crisis of Accountability in American leadership. Antony Blinken is testifying before House and Senate today and tomorrow. Someone should’ve already been held accountable by now for what happened in Afghanistan. But … [Read more...] about Accountability Crisis in American Leadership | 09.13.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Progressives’ Last Stand in Afghanistan — September 2021
Progressives’ Last Stand in Afghanistan While President Biden tries to blame Donald Trump or even Afghans themselves for the collapse of Afghanistan to the Taliban, the real lesson is the failure of progressive policies there. The … [Read more...] about Progressives’ Last Stand in Afghanistan — September 2021