Obama's staff and retreads from the Clinton Administration are using Chicago-style intimidation to rescue his extravagant health-care bill from its decline in public opinion polls. A congressional Town Hall meeting on August 6 reminds us of a … [Read more...] about Obama Brings Chicago-Style Intimidation
Where Do We Go From Here? — November 2008
The 2008 election makes clear that Eagle Forum is needed more than ever before. We must rebuild the conservative movement that has been so badly fractured. That's our mission — we must be the leaders, and we are ready to lead. Members of Eagle Forum … [Read more...] about Where Do We Go From Here? — November 2008
The Republicans’ Call to Arms
We recall the words of the old popular song, "What a Difference a Day Makes; 24 Little Hours." In this political year, it was actually 38 hours, but the poetry is the same. That's the time-spread between the locking up of the 2008 … [Read more...] about The Republicans’ Call to Arms
Rush: On Top Because of Courage
Rush Limbaugh's 20-year domination of talk radio is a remarkable testament to the durability of conservative ideas as well as to Rush's skill and courage in explaining controversial conservative principles in an entertaining style. Rush has … [Read more...] about Rush: On Top Because of Courage
Do Party Platforms Really Matter? — July 2008
DO PARTY PLATFORMS REALLY MATTER? One of the main features of any political convention is adoption of the platform, a statement of Party principles and goals. Some people take party platforms very seriously; others think they are a waste of time. Of … [Read more...] about Do Party Platforms Really Matter? — July 2008
Americans Want English As Our Official Language
Hardly anyone predicted that the Bush-Kennedy-Kyl-Reid steamroller could be stopped. But as the New York Times reported on page one, the “Grass Roots Roared, and an Immigration Plan Fell." The American people are fed up with the six years … [Read more...] about Americans Want English As Our Official Language
Guest-Worker/Amnesty Is Immoral — January 2006
Guest-Worker/Amnesty Is Immoral President George W. Bush, Senators John McCain, Edward Kennedy, Arlen Specter and several others are promoting legislation to grant some kind of guest-worker/amnesty status to millions of … [Read more...] about Guest-Worker/Amnesty Is Immoral — January 2006
House Hears From Grassroots; Is Senate Listening?
Late on Friday evening December 16, the House passed Rep. James Sensenbrenner's (R-WI) Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act (H.R. 4437) to require employers to verify the legal status of each employee. No … [Read more...] about House Hears From Grassroots; Is Senate Listening?
Grassroots Win Shootout In The West
Nevada just witnessed the political equivalent of Shootout at the OK Corral. On one side was the full power of the Nevada government, and on the other side was a grandmother armed with a pen, a petition and a clipboard. Janine Hansen is one of the … [Read more...] about Grassroots Win Shootout In The West
Spoilers in the Republican Party
For most Republicans, getting a favorable front-page story or a primetime segment on the evening network TV newscasts is difficult. But there is one surefire formula - attack other Republicans. Richard N. Bond joined the ranks of unemployed … [Read more...] about Spoilers in the Republican Party