A claque of liberals and media bigwigs are calling RNC Chairman Reince Priebus’s 97-page political opus an Autopsy, which the dictionary defines as the dissection of a body after death. Some people are hoping the Republican Party is dead, but … [Read more...] about Autopsy for the Republican Party
Battle for Control of the Republican Party Begins
Karl Rove has declared war on grassroots conservatives and Tea Parties. Rove, who had the richest Super PAC in 2012 (American Crossroads, which reportedly spent $300 million in the 2012 election cycle), has started a new fund called Conservative … [Read more...] about Battle for Control of the Republican Party Begins
Why Did Ted Cruz Win the Texas Primary?
To the surprise of the pundits, pollsters and predictors who think they are smarter than the rest of us, Ted Cruz won the nomination for U.S. Senator from Texas. A few months ago, he rated only 2 percent in the polls, but in the Primary Runoff he … [Read more...] about Why Did Ted Cruz Win the Texas Primary?
The Most Powerful Office in the World Is NOT the President of the United States
Now wait a minute. Isn't the President of the United States the leader of the Western World, the man with his hand on the nuclear trigger, the head of a ten-trillion dollar nation? The President is, indeed, the most powerful man in the world - but … [Read more...] about The Most Powerful Office in the World Is NOT the President of the United States
Good News about the 2009 Election
Ever since Barack Obama's election, the mainstream media and liberal commentators have been gleefully proclaiming the death of the Republican Party and predicting it could be revived only with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from … [Read more...] about Good News about the 2009 Election
Good News about the 2009 Election
Ever since Barack Obama's election, the mainstream media and liberal commentators have been gleefully proclaiming the death of the Republican Party and predicting it could be revived only with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from … [Read more...] about Good News about the 2009 Election
Obama Brings Chicago-Style Intimidation
Obama's staff and retreads from the Clinton Administration are using Chicago-style intimidation to rescue his extravagant health-care bill from its decline in public opinion polls. A congressional Town Hall meeting on August 6 reminds us of a … [Read more...] about Obama Brings Chicago-Style Intimidation
Where Do We Go From Here? — November 2008
The 2008 election makes clear that Eagle Forum is needed more than ever before. We must rebuild the conservative movement that has been so badly fractured. That's our mission — we must be the leaders, and we are ready to lead. Members of Eagle Forum … [Read more...] about Where Do We Go From Here? — November 2008
The Republicans’ Call to Arms
We recall the words of the old popular song, "What a Difference a Day Makes; 24 Little Hours." In this political year, it was actually 38 hours, but the poetry is the same. That's the time-spread between the locking up of the 2008 … [Read more...] about The Republicans’ Call to Arms
Rush: On Top Because of Courage
Rush Limbaugh's 20-year domination of talk radio is a remarkable testament to the durability of conservative ideas as well as to Rush's skill and courage in explaining controversial conservative principles in an entertaining style. Rush has … [Read more...] about Rush: On Top Because of Courage