The United States has just assumed the largest burden of forgiving $40 billion in debt owed by 18 mostly African countries. It's no wonder these countries can't repay their debts when they suffer the enormous human and economic costs of … [Read more...] about Is Environmentalism More Important Than Lives In Africa?
The Day After Tomorrow
Unable to develop a coherent political ideology to oppose George W. Bush, the anti-Bush cabal has turned to humor and Hollywood. The CBS Evening News borrows jokes from the late-night comedy shows to jab at Bush every Friday evening, and we've … [Read more...] about The Day After Tomorrow
Humans vs. Fish at Klamath Falls
Are you for humans or for suckerfish? That's the issue in Klamath Falls, Oregon, where armed U.S. federal marshals are guarding the irrigation canal gates to keep the river from flowing to 1,400 farms that will soon be out of business if they … [Read more...] about Humans vs. Fish at Klamath Falls
Kyoto = Kick the United States
The anti-Bush brigade in the United States and abroad has coalesced around the Kyoto Protocol, thinking it is a neat hammer with which to hit our President. They are bragging that his strong stand against this fraudulent treaty is the principal … [Read more...] about Kyoto = Kick the United States
Kyoto Collapses In The Hague
The collapse of the global warming treaty negotiations in The Hague last week illustrates the folly of the Clinton-Gore globalists who want to give a consortium of foreigners the power to regulate the American standard of living. The conference ended … [Read more...] about Kyoto Collapses In The Hague
Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air — January 1998
Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding While most Americans were celebrating Christmas and exchanging gifts with family members, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin spent … [Read more...] about Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air — January 1998
Clinton May Get Toasted by Global Warming
The confrontation with Iraq is tending to conceal an impending policy defeat for President Clinton that may dwarf his embarrassments over losing Fast Track and the appropriations for back UN dues. Clinton is planning on going to Kyoto, Japan in early … [Read more...] about Clinton May Get Toasted by Global Warming
Nobel Laureates Denounce Hatch’s Patent Bill
President Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development, whose chief current goal is to promote public acceptance of the Climate Change Treaty that Clinton will sign in December in Kyoto, is attempting to kill two birds with one stone by linking the … [Read more...] about Nobel Laureates Denounce Hatch’s Patent Bill
Will Treaties Rule America’s Future? — September 1997
Will Treaties Rule America's Future? NATO Expansion Commits U.S. to Wars The current Republican Congress has a duty to save us from Bill Clinton's blunder in trying to lock America into an expansion of NATO. The 105th Congress has shown … [Read more...] about Will Treaties Rule America’s Future? — September 1997
Global Warning about Global Warming
Finally, the U.S. Senate is starting to assert itself. By passing the Byrd-Hagel Resolution 95 to 0 on July 25, it served notice on President Clinton that the Senate is not going to be a party to reducing the standard of living of Americans in order … [Read more...] about Global Warning about Global Warming