Judicial supremacists are judges who believe their personal opinions about the way the system “should” work are worth more than the way the system actually does work. Federal district court Judge Fred Biery is a prime example of judicial supremacy … [Read more...] about Judicial Supremacist Pushes Mail-In Voting
The Difference Between Trump and Biden Matters | #ProAmericaReport 07.21.2020
What You Need to Know is what’s at stake in the fall election is who decides what America is. Is it illegal immigrants? Big business? Cartels on the border? Or is it We the People? That’s the difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The left … [Read more...] about The Difference Between Trump and Biden Matters | #ProAmericaReport 07.21.2020
A Feminist About-Face for Joe Biden
Words like “all” and “every” can be very nasty words in politics. Phyllis Schlafly made a point of saying that she never told “all women” to do everything. When the public figures on the Left started going around during the Kavanaugh hearings saying … [Read more...] about A Feminist About-Face for Joe Biden
Joe Biden Ain’t Correct
If you want definitive proof that Joe Biden clearly has no idea how to run a effective campaign for the presidency, look no further than his interview with Breakfast Club co-host Charlamagne. In that cringeworthy appearance, Biden made the … [Read more...] about Joe Biden Ain’t Correct
The Future and Direction of America | #ProAmericaReport 07.13.2020
What You Need To Know is 16 weeks from tomorrow is election day! What’s on the ballot 16 weeks from tomorrow is the future and direction of America. Everyday you are told what you need to know but now it’s time for you to move into the zone of doing … [Read more...] about The Future and Direction of America | #ProAmericaReport 07.13.2020
Biden’s Immigration Plan to Destroy America | #ProAmericaReport 07.10.2020
What You Need to Know is Biden’s immigration plan will destroy America! He said he plans to give amnesty to all 18-20 million illegal aliens in America. It’s pretty self explanatory what this will mean for Americans, for their jobs, and for the … [Read more...] about Biden’s Immigration Plan to Destroy America | #ProAmericaReport 07.10.2020
Supreme Court Supports Religious Freedom | #ProAmericaReport 07.08.2020
What You Need to Know is today the Supreme Court made two great decisions! The decisions they released today protect religious freedom and our future. Also, The prevalence of TikTok is crazy! Sec. of State Pompeo said they are taking a look at the … [Read more...] about Supreme Court Supports Religious Freedom | #ProAmericaReport 07.08.2020
America vs. Joe Biden | #ProAmericaReport 07.07.2020
What You Need to Know is what’s on the ballot in 17 weeks is American history — our American culture. It’s an election about America vs. Joe Biden’s transforming America. Trump’s speech at Mount Rushmore over Independence Day boiled it … [Read more...] about America vs. Joe Biden | #ProAmericaReport 07.07.2020
Time to Stand Up and Fight Back! | #ProAmericaReport 07.06.2020
What You Need To Know it’s time to stand up. There are 17 weeks — 119 days — until election day. There’s not a lot of time left, but Joe Biden said that this fall he is going to beat Donald Trump and “transform America.” What does he mean by, … [Read more...] about Time to Stand Up and Fight Back! | #ProAmericaReport 07.06.2020
A Government’s First Responsibility
A crucial part of leading anything is effectively managing what kind of people you keep close to you. President Trump effectively leads our nation with a team of dedicated staffers who agree with his pro-America mission. James O’Keefe’s Project … [Read more...] about A Government’s First Responsibility