Unlike school, the election or reelection of the president cannot be delayed, because its timetable is written into the Constitution. It’s too late now to change the procedures by which our ballots will be cast and counted, and “return to sender” … [Read more...] about Mail-In Voting: Return to Sender
Biden is Reacting | #ProAmericaReport 08.31.2020
What You Need to Know is Joe Biden doesn’t know what to do! He’s reacting, not leading, on the issues. When Don Lemon says the rioting has to stop because it is showing up in the polls, Biden knew he had to get out of his basement and do something — … [Read more...] about Biden is Reacting | #ProAmericaReport 08.31.2020
Left Wing Democrats Shut Down College Football
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 31, 2020CONTACT: RYAN HITE, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Washington, D.C.: Leftwing Democrat activists successfully canceled Big Ten college football this fall, and people are catching on to their political … [Read more...] about Left Wing Democrats Shut Down College Football
Trump’s Promise Kept — Make America Energy Independent
President Trump is keeping his promises; fake news won't cover it. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 31, 2020CONTACT: RYAN HITE, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Washington, D.C.: During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump outlined an "America first" … [Read more...] about Trump’s Promise Kept — Make America Energy Independent
Socialism and the 2020 Election
Socialism is resurfacing and the battleground is the United States. Socialism is an ideology that believes all manners of living should be regulated by the community. In their eyes, government should regulate all social, political, and economic … [Read more...] about Socialism and the 2020 Election
Voting by Mail Cannot Elect a President
On the first night of the Republican convention, CNN cut away from President Trump’s speech because, as anchor Anderson Cooper arrogantly explained, Trump “started off falsely attacking mail-in voting. He’s continuing to attack mail-in voting as his … [Read more...] about Voting by Mail Cannot Elect a President
How Trump Finds 10M New Votes
To win comfortably in less than three months, President Trump needs to find 10 million new votes. The prospect of millions of dubious mail-in ballots adds further pressure on Republicans to attract votes. The new voters the GOP needs are those who … [Read more...] about How Trump Finds 10M New Votes
From Pandemic To Pandemonium
For months now, law-abiding Americans submitted to the demands of so-called experts to maintain a 6-foot distance from friends and family. This meant familiar gathering places like restaurants, hotels, and sports arenas had to close and remain closed … [Read more...] about From Pandemic To Pandemonium
Open the Schools; Give Parents More Choices
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 27, 2020CONTACT: RYAN HITE, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Democrats are using kids as political hostages. Washington, D.C.: Phyllis Schlafly Eagles President Ed Martin issued the following statement: "Education … [Read more...] about Open the Schools; Give Parents More Choices
Trump Signs Executive Order Defending Voting Rights and Representation
For Immediate Release: July 22, 2020Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Washington, D.C.: President Donald Trump has issued an executive order clarifying that illegal aliens are not to be included in the census count for the purpose … [Read more...] about Trump Signs Executive Order Defending Voting Rights and Representation