Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · October 1 | Mail-In Voting By The Numbers On the first night of the Republican National Convention, CNN cut away from President Trump’s acceeptance speech because, as anchor Anderson Cooper arrogantly explained, Trump … [Read more...] about Mail-In Voting By The Numbers
Debate Outcome |#ProAmericaReport 09.30.2020
What You Need To Know is the outcome of the debate! Remember, the coverage from a debate is different than watching the actual debate. Here’s 2 thoughts from last night. 1) It was choppy and jarring. 2) Biden exceeded expectations and will have … [Read more...] about Debate Outcome |#ProAmericaReport 09.30.2020
Judges on a Rampage Against Trump
While the nation’s attention is transfixed on the impending confirmation of a new Justice of the Supreme Court, lower court judges have been ruling almost daily against good policies of the Trump Administration and the states that voted for him in … [Read more...] about Judges on a Rampage Against Trump
ACB and RBG | #ProAmericaReport 09.28.2020
What You Need To Know is Amy Coney Barrett is incredibly accomplished! Trump nominated her last weekend for the SCOTUS because of how bright, talented, and accomplished she is. The difference between Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Amy Coney Barrett couldn’t … [Read more...] about ACB and RBG | #ProAmericaReport 09.28.2020
Deep State Revealed | #ProAmericaReport 09.25.2020
What You Need To Know is what the Flynn case has revealed! Gen. Flynn’s case has been dragged out but it’s allowing things to be revealed that We the People need to know. The recent file makes it clear that Gen. Flynn will be cleared, but it also … [Read more...] about Deep State Revealed | #ProAmericaReport 09.25.2020
Dems Will Try To Cancel Debate | #ProAmericaReport 09.24.2020
What You Need To Know is the Democrats will try and cancel the Tuesday debate! This might sound controversial, but, when will they tell us Joe Biden has COVID? Joe Biden can’t debate. I mean, are they really going to put him in front of a national … [Read more...] about Dems Will Try To Cancel Debate | #ProAmericaReport 09.24.2020
Russian Double Standards | #ProAmericaReport 09.23.2020
What You Need To Know is there’s a double standard in politics and it’s obvious. We the People have one set of rules and the people in power have another set of rules. Trump was impeached because he was accused of improperly dealing with Russia. Now … [Read more...] about Russian Double Standards | #ProAmericaReport 09.23.2020
Supreme Court Fight | #ProAmericaReport 09.22.2020
What You Need To Know is the Supreme Court fight. The president is going to announce his nominee on Saturday. Sen. Mitch McConnell and the republicans in the senate seem to have their ducks lined up and are backing McConnell. The democrats are using … [Read more...] about Supreme Court Fight | #ProAmericaReport 09.22.2020
The Kindness of Trump | #ProAmericaReport 09.21.2020
What You Need To Know is the kindness of Donald Trump! Donald Trump took time out of his campaign trail to show his support to the Schlafly family in 2016 after the passing of Phyllis Schlafly and speak briefly at her funeral. His kindness and … [Read more...] about The Kindness of Trump | #ProAmericaReport 09.21.2020
Promises Kept | #ProAmericaReport 09.18.2020
What You Need To Know is I wrote another book! This book is called Top 100 Trump Promises Made, Promises Kept. Get your copy for just $5 dollars right now at This is yet another tool I created for you. We have to do a better job at … [Read more...] about Promises Kept | #ProAmericaReport 09.18.2020