Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · #WYNK: Facebook is Part of the Narrative Machine | August 26, 2022 #ProAmericaReport The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. And … [Read more...] about #WYNK: Facebook is Part of the Narrative Machine
FBI Lied, Interfered In 2020 Elections
For Immediate Release: August 26, 2022Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Zuckerberg Tosses FBI Under the Bus in Joe Rogan Interview Washington, D.C.: "Whether intentionally or not, Mark Zuckerberg just outed the FBI for major … [Read more...] about FBI Lied, Interfered In 2020 Elections
Biden is Lawless and Dividing | 08.25.2022 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Biden is Lawless and Dividing. President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness is like Obama when he said he didn’t have the legal authority to change immigration laws, but then Obama said, “I’ve got a pen, and I've got a … [Read more...] about Biden is Lawless and Dividing | 08.25.2022 #ProAmericaReport
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Joins Eagle Council 51
For Immediate Release: August 25, 2022Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Ashcroft To Join Other Special Speakers At Legacy of Life Luncheon St. Louis, MO: Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft will join the Eagle Council 51 … [Read more...] about Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Joins Eagle Council 51
Conservatives Clean House In Florida School Board Elections
For Immediate Release: August 24, 2022Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Many States, Districts See Flip To Conservative Control Washington, D.C.: "The August 23 elections brought some incredible school board victories across the … [Read more...] about Conservatives Clean House In Florida School Board Elections
Court of Appeals Should Halt Anti-GOP Prosecutions
Liberal county prosecutors in heavily Democrat Fulton County, Georgia, are terrorizing a U.S. Senator, Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and the former U.S. Attorney and Time Man of the Year, Rudy Giuliani. The ultimate target of this politicized investigation … [Read more...] about Court of Appeals Should Halt Anti-GOP Prosecutions
#WYNK: Liz Cheney is Going, Going, Gone!
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · #WYNK: Liz Cheney is Going, Going, Gone! | August 16, 2022 #ProAmericaReport The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report. Welcome! Welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. We have a … [Read more...] about #WYNK: Liz Cheney is Going, Going, Gone!
Stop Political Prosecutions
More than a week after the gestapo-like raid of President Trump’s home, the Democrat-controlled Justice Department has disclosed nothing to justify that unprecedented action against America’s leading presidential candidate. As a first step among many … [Read more...] about Stop Political Prosecutions
Missouri Ranked Choice Voting Initiative Fails
For Immediate Release: August 11, 2022Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Despite Shameful Republican Support, Anti-Democratic Ballot Petition Falls Short Washington, D.C.: "Nearly drowned out this week in the swirl of FBI and … [Read more...] about Missouri Ranked Choice Voting Initiative Fails
Media Is Leaving Breadcrumbs | 08.03.2022 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is that the media is leaving bread crumbs during the dog days of Summer to lead you to what they want you to be thinking about. The recent lengthy Politico article is just another example of these media evergreens meant to … [Read more...] about Media Is Leaving Breadcrumbs | 08.03.2022 #ProAmericaReport