The politicians and the journalists have stirred up a big flap in recent weeks about the discovery that the CIA intercepted and read the mail of a number of prominent Americans, including Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, Edward Kennedy, and Bella … [Read more...] about Mail Surveillance
Inventory on President Ford — October 1975
Trouble With Conservatives
Vice President Nelson Rockefeller recently made a foray into the Deep South prospecting for fri·ends who might come in handy dur ing the campaign of 1976. Nelson Rockefeller is a good example of a Number Two who is still trying harder, and he knew … [Read more...] about Trouble With Conservatives
Has Education Lost Its Purpose? — September 1975
Electoral College
The Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments recently approved a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution which would eliminate the Electoral College and replace it with a direct popular national election in which the U.S. President would … [Read more...] about Electoral College
Postcard Registration
If you thought the spenders in Washington have already devised every possible way to spend our tax dollars, you are wrong. They are working overtime to establish a brand new bureaucracy called the Voter Registration Administration whose principal … [Read more...] about Postcard Registration
The First Task of a Presidential Candidate — July 1975
Ballot Laws
Our Founding Fathers, whose great vision gave us the American Constitution, not only did not plan our two-party system, they did not want political parties at all. As these unanticipated appendages grafted themselves onto our body politic, they also … [Read more...] about Ballot Laws
Our doctors advise us to have an annual examination or checkup. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires all listed businesses to file an annual report on their financial health. What would an annual report on the financial health of the … [Read more...] about FINANCIAL EXAM
The recent battle in the U.S. Senate over changing the Senate rules to lower the vote required to break a filibuster from a 2/3 majority to a 3/5 majority has caused some people to question ever requiring a super majority. Why should we ever allocate … [Read more...] about SUPER MAJORITIES