The U.S. Department of Justice took time out from its war on terrorists this month to order local election boards all across the country to publish ballots for the November election in various foreign languages. The law requires that if more than 5 … [Read more...] about Foreign Language Ballots Are A Bad Idea
How To Pick Judges
The delays and wrangles about President George W. Bush's scores of unconfirmed judicial nominees highlight the underlying issues between the two political parties. The Republicans want constitutionalists and the Democrats want judicial … [Read more...] about How To Pick Judges
The Subversive Plan To Ditch The Electoral College
A plot is afoot to change our constitutional form of government by ditching the Electoral College. John Anderson, Birch Bayh and John Buchanan, three losers who were defeated in the 1980 Reagan landslide, are scheming to change our Constitution … [Read more...] about The Subversive Plan To Ditch The Electoral College
Secrecy is a Losing Ploy
Not many people want to be accused of acting like Bill Clinton. When campaign rival John McCain compared George W. Bush to Clinton in a South Carolina television attack ad, the Bush campaign cried foul. Vice President Dick Cheney's pursuit of … [Read more...] about Secrecy is a Losing Ploy
Why The Democrats Won
“I am ruling out a tax increase,” the new Governor of debt-ridden New Jersey declared the day after his election. He said he is embarking on “an agonizing reappraisal of what government should do, and perhaps more importantly, what … [Read more...] about Why The Democrats Won
They Call It ‘The Democracy Predicament’
They call it “the democracy predicament.” The problem is that the politicians who prattle incessantly about democracy are not willing to accept the voters' democratic decisions. "Make them vote again and again until they vote the way we tell them … [Read more...] about They Call It ‘The Democracy Predicament’
English Language Controversy In Utah
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Utah is preparing to challenge a district court decision that properly found the state's new official English law constitutional. Utah voters approved the law as Initiative A on the ballot in last … [Read more...] about English Language Controversy In Utah
A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress — January 2001
A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress Since Bill Clinton stuck his finger in the eye of all who care about American sovereignty and constitutional rights by signing the International Criminal Court (ICC) Treaty on New Year's … [Read more...] about A Conservative Agenda for the 107th Congress — January 2001
Activist Judges Should Not Overrule Elections
The U.S. Supreme Court has taken a bold step towards returning Florida's election process to sanity. By halting the 11th hour partial hand recount, it stopped a reckless judicial attempt to elect Al Gore and potentially disenfranchise six million … [Read more...] about Activist Judges Should Not Overrule Elections
Making Every Vote Count
In waging his contest of the 2000 presidential election, Al Gore's mantra is Make Every Vote Count (except the votes of servicemen). But Gore's pious platitude should be subject to qualifications. We want to count only one vote per person. We want … [Read more...] about Making Every Vote Count