Press and television channels have been filled for months about America's responsibility to bring democracy to Iraq and other faraway nations that have no prior experience with self-government. So why are some of the same people now trying to … [Read more...] about Surprising Assault On Democracy
Bring On A Real Filibuster
The Daschle-Leahy Democrats still refuse to accept the results of the November 2002 election. They are trying to overturn it by blocking President Bush's judicial nominees. The media and the Democrats didn't discover until they read the exit … [Read more...] about Bring On A Real Filibuster
The Bush-Frist Connection Should Be A Two-Way Street
Even if President Bush didn't actually engineer Dr. Bill Frist's election as Senate Majority Leader, this regime change is perceived as a major extension of the President's power because of their close relationship. We hope that Frist … [Read more...] about The Bush-Frist Connection Should Be A Two-Way Street
Conservative Agenda for 2003 — January 2003
Conservative Agenda for 2003 A new Republican majority in both Houses of Congress is gathering this month. It's time to reaffirm some basic Republican principles and move ahead to achieve conservative goals in all three … [Read more...] about Conservative Agenda for 2003 — January 2003
The Mourning After The 2002 Election
Democrats are going through a process of self-flagellation trying to figure out whom to blame for their election-day debacle. Some blame their own lack of a message, some blame candidates' mistakes, some blame fallout from 9/11. The Democrats … [Read more...] about The Mourning After The 2002 Election
Clinton Scandals Continue To Surface
The General Accounting Office (GAO) reported last week that 16 percent of our National Guard and Reserve pilots and air crew have transferred out of their combat positions. An additional 18 percent of those surveyed have also stated their intent to … [Read more...] about Clinton Scandals Continue To Surface
Will We Let Judges Fix Elections?
Al Gore and his allies in the media have popularized the notion that an election loser can use the courts to change the rules. Activist judges have been rewriting laws for many years, but now the trend is for activist state judges to try to rig an … [Read more...] about Will We Let Judges Fix Elections?
The Biggest Election Issue In 2002
The media's passion to report what is going to happen tomorrow rather than what already happened is filling newspaper pages and TV channels with predictions of whether Republicans will retain the House and/or win the Senate. The predictions are … [Read more...] about The Biggest Election Issue In 2002
Judicial Activism: the Biggest 2002 Election Issue — October 2002
Judicial Activism: the Biggest 2002 Election Issue The election on November 5th is a very crucial election. The entire existence of our constitutional republic hangs in the balance. We have suffered a half century of activist/liberal … [Read more...] about Judicial Activism: the Biggest 2002 Election Issue — October 2002
Maybe the Democrats Don’t Want Janet Reno
Florida suffered a lot of bad national publicity about the 2000 election, with weeks of television coverage of hanging chads, undervotes and overvotes. So 15 Florida counties bought new modern computerized touch-screen voting machines to replace the … [Read more...] about Maybe the Democrats Don’t Want Janet Reno