In at least six states, the crucial issue in the November 2006 election may turn out to be whether or not voters must present photo ID. Since we have to show government-issued ID in order to board a plane, cash a check, enter a federal building, and … [Read more...] about We Need Voter ID For Honest Elections
Foreign Language Ballots Cause a Rebellion
The Washington Establishment is shocked at the discovery that Americans don't like the idea of the federal government forcing local governments to provide foreign language ballots. That's one more indication of how out of touch our leaders are with … [Read more...] about Foreign Language Ballots Cause a Rebellion
The Subversive Plan To Ditch The Electoral College
A plot is afoot to change our constitutional form of government by ditching the Electoral College. John Anderson, Birch Bayh and John Buchanan, three losers who were defeated in the 1980 Reagan landslide, are scheming to change our Constitution … [Read more...] about The Subversive Plan To Ditch The Electoral College
Time To Terminate Foreign-Language Ballots
Led by the two House Kings, Peter King (R-NY) and Steve King (R-IA), 56 House members are urging Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) to oppose the renewal of the section of the Voting Rights Act that mandates foreign-language … [Read more...] about Time To Terminate Foreign-Language Ballots
Voters Won’t Fall For Bait-and-Switch
Americans are not naive enough to believe the sensational headline and opening paragraphs of news accounts about Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff's recent testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He was reported to have said that … [Read more...] about Voters Won’t Fall For Bait-and-Switch
Thanks, Jimmy Carter
Former President Jimmy Carter has finally done something really constructive. He is taking the lead, along with Republican James A. Baker III, to clean up the massive frauds in our voting processes. They are responding to the widespread public … [Read more...] about Thanks, Jimmy Carter
Spending Bush’s Political Capital
Conservative voters gave Republican politicians their best Christmas in at least half a century, conferring majorities at nearly all levels of government. Now, what will the politicians give the voters in return? President Bush says he wants to … [Read more...] about Spending Bush’s Political Capital
Florida Redux?
Becoming more and more hysterical at the possibility of losing the presidential election, the liberals and their media allies are psyching up the public to expect legal challenges in any states that have close elections. Florida is the focus of their … [Read more...] about Florida Redux?
The Conservative Debate
The presidential candidate praised abstinence at a key moment in the debate in St. Louis, and he admitted that the Kyoto global warming treaty was "flawed." He looked right into the camera and said, "Absolutely. I am not going to raise … [Read more...] about The Conservative Debate
What Do the Two Parties Stand For? — October 2004
What Do the Two Parties Stand For? To find out what the two major parties stand for, we should be able to compare their Party Platforms adopted by their National Nominating Conventions in the summer of 2004. Unfortunately, … [Read more...] about What Do the Two Parties Stand For? — October 2004