**Previously Recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // 2/27/2009** Powerful and politically active pressure groups, from both the right and the left, are now working to force significant changes in our Constitution. Some want a mandatory balanced budget; some … [Read more...] about We Don’t Want a Constitutional Convention
State of the Union: President Trump Tells America’s Story
For Immediate Release: February 5, 2020 Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Washington, D.C.: Last night, President Donald Trump delivered his third State of the Union address. What unfolded over the next nearly 80 minutes was a beautiful … [Read more...] about State of the Union: President Trump Tells America’s Story
The “Free Stuff” Pandemic
Democratic presidential candidates are flocking to cheap tricks to win the nomination. Of course, since they are Democrats, that means promising free stuff funded by the taxpayers. This free stuff free-for-all is leading some Dems to the promising … [Read more...] about The “Free Stuff” Pandemic
The Ed Martin Movement 2/3/20
The Media and the Establishment are panicking. The Des Moines Register canceled its final poll (Was Bernie leading by too much?). The Establishment doesn’t want the results to be credible. Also, Presidential fever is incurable. What You Need … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 2/3/20
Bloomberg’s Big Push
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has decided to cement his reputation as a cheap Democrat knockoff of Donald Trump by running for president against Trump. While it's true that Bloomberg’s policy positions are milquetoast compared to the strong … [Read more...] about Bloomberg’s Big Push
The British Higher Ed Echo Chamber
The latest from Great Britain is that conservatives are in control after a massive political earthquake. Conservatives won by so much that their victory sent shock waves to the Democratic candidates for president here in the United States. The media … [Read more...] about The British Higher Ed Echo Chamber
The Ed Martin Movement 1/29/20
What You Need to Know is Brexit is spreading into a worldwide movement. And it’s not stopping! Raheem Kassam joins us to talk about about Brexit Day — a promise made, promise kept. Calvin Freiburger tells me about a Missouri … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/29/20
The Ed Martin Movement 1/23/20
What You Need to Know is impeachment is a distraction — a shiny object. The real story is the Civil War within and implosion of the Democratic Party. The new left radical socialists — are gunning for Biden and the old guard. Hillary, Biden, … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/23/20
The Ed Martin Movement 1/20/20
Andrea Kaye talks about the Senate and Trump’s impeachment trial. What You Need to Know is the media is trying to protect Biden by attacking Trump’s wealth, but it’s a lie. Trump and his company have lost billions since he took office. The … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/20/20
The Ed Martin Movement 1/16/20
What You Need to Know is an explanation of Trump’s Deals Deals Deals! - a mutually beneficial way toward progress. President Donald Trump is the first president in our lifetime who knows how to negotiate with nations around the world, to America’s … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 1/16/20