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Capital Gains Tax
More than 90 percent of all work in the United States is done by machinery. Without this machinery, there would be no automobiles, trucks, railroads., electric power and appliances, telephones, or the many things that give Americans the highest … [Read more...] about Capital Gains Tax
Postcard Registration
If you thought the spenders in Washington have already devised every possible way to spend our tax dollars, you are wrong. They are working overtime to establish a brand new bureaucracy called the Voter Registration Administration whose principal … [Read more...] about Postcard Registration
Housing Fiasco
What has caused the greatest devastation to American cities and towns during the last seven years? Tornadoes? Hurricanes? Earth quakes? Wrong on all three guesses. The answer is the federal housing program which has destroyed $4 billion worth of … [Read more...] about Housing Fiasco
New York & Washington
If I wanted to become a good golf or tennis player, I would take lessons from a successful pro rather than from another beginner. If I were having problems in my business or profession, I would seek the counsel of a proven success rather than one who … [Read more...] about New York & Washington
Big Money And Tough Tactics To Ratify E.R.A. — June 1975
The Lessons of Vietnam — June 1975
Why Vietnam?
The tragedy called the Vietnam War has run its course. The United States poured into it eight years of effort, the lives of 50,000 of our finest young men, the good health of another 300,000, $150 billion of our hard-earned tax money, and the honor … [Read more...] about Why Vietnam?
Modern Art Unmasked
Is Modern Art an enigma to you? Are you one of the many millions whose reaction to those ugly and incoherent shapes is to shake your head in disbelief or to walk silently through museums and public places too embarrassed to criticize what you cannot … [Read more...] about Modern Art Unmasked
Our Disappearing Allies
Ten years ago, the United States had steadfast allies all over the world. In Europe, our solid lineup of friends extended from Norway to Greece and Turkey. It was especially strong in the center with Britain and West Germany, and secure in the South … [Read more...] about Our Disappearing Allies