Reaganism vs. the New World Order The dedication of the Ronald Reagan Library in November 1991 was a happy victory party for those who call themselves the Reagan Alumni - the grassroots conservatives who made it all happen. Several thousand of the … [Read more...] about Reaganism vs. the New World Order — January 1992
A rumor is circulating in Washington, D.C. that, on one of the upper floors in the State Department, there is a room called the Shrine, and that every day Secretary James Baker and emissaries from President Bush and the Secretary of Commerce gather … [Read more...] about THE SEARCH FOR STABILITY VERSUS LIBERTY
Conservatives Find Their Shining City on a Hill
The dedication of the Ronald Reagan library this week was a happy victory party for those who call themselves the Reagan Alumni-- the grassroots conservatives who made it all happen. Several thousand of the faithful gathered on a mountain top in Sini … [Read more...] about Conservatives Find Their Shining City on a Hill
The Real Costs of Federal Mandates
If unemployment and the recession are our principal domestic problems (as television tells us every evening via the network news), then this is no time to place more restraints on business which will reduce jobs. But that's what the Senate tried to … [Read more...] about The Real Costs of Federal Mandates
Americans Are Angry About Taxes — September 1991
Feminist Falsehoods, Follies, and Funding — July 1991
Working at Home is a Growing Movement
Every morning and evening, millions of commuters spend a couple of hours driving bumper to bumper in and out of a crowded city. The only social interaction they have with all those people engaged in the same occupation is that they all listen to the … [Read more...] about Working at Home is a Growing Movement
Look For the Union Label
The 1990 Alabama gubernatorial election may have done to the National Education Association (NEA) what the Bush-Dukakis 1988 election did to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). It has become a political detriment to be a member. When the … [Read more...] about Look For the Union Label
Comparable Worth Proven a Failure
The evidence is now in. The concept called “Comparable Worth” is as wrongheaded and counterproductive as critics predicted when this feminoid notion emerged in the late 1970s. It is a relic of the Big Brother extravagances of the LBJ Great Society … [Read more...] about Comparable Worth Proven a Failure
How to Spend the Peace Dividend
A combination of President Bush’s “read my lips” determination to veto any tax increases plus the shadow of the federal deficit has kept the liberal Democratic Congress from initiating any new spending program. But now, rash talk of a “peace … [Read more...] about How to Spend the Peace Dividend