Something happened on the way to the first foreign policy crisis of our post November-1994 government. Somehow, the new Republican majority seems to have forgotten its role as the party of the opposition and protector of U.S. taxpayers against raids … [Read more...] about Is Our Government Trading Dollars for Pesos?
What’s So Wrong About GATT/WTO? — October 1994
Memo to Republicans Who Hope to Win Elections
Wake up, Republicans in Congress, and feel the tide rolling across grassroots America. The tide is rushing against government controlled health care, and you have two options. Step out in front and act like you are leading this sea change in public … [Read more...] about Memo to Republicans Who Hope to Win Elections
Who Will Lead the Charge Against Socialized Medicine?
If you are not so worried about the Clinton Socialized Medicine Plan that you are actively working against it, you are in for a rude awakening. Your health and your freedom are in imminent danger of being taken over by the Federal Government. If … [Read more...] about Who Will Lead the Charge Against Socialized Medicine?
What do Corporations Have to Hide?
Again and again during the media coverage of Whitewatergate, we hear the refrain, why didn't the Clinton Administration promptly reveal all the documents? Conventional wisdom tells us that people don't usually hide something unless there is a reason … [Read more...] about What do Corporations Have to Hide?
Clinton’s Totalitarian Health Plan — November 1993
My interest in NAFTA was piqued when a C-SPAN caller asked if any of the press persons on the panel had read it. When the answer was an embarrassed no, and one expert said he didn't see any necessity to read it, I read the treaty myself, more than a … [Read more...] about NAFTA
Welfare Reform Should Cost Less, Not More
Rep. Jan Meyers (R-Kan) has come up with the best idea for real welfare reform that anybody has had since welfare became an entitlement in the 1960s. Unlike most "reforms", it will cost the taxpayers less, not more. Her bill is based on an … [Read more...] about Welfare Reform Should Cost Less, Not More
Big Business Wants Bail-Out From Clinton
Chrysler is asking for higher taxes on all Americans in order to bail itself out of a jam. Walter Maher, Chrysler's chief lobbyist says, "Some sort of payroll tax as a way of financing health care for workers is appropriate." Chrysler isn't the … [Read more...] about Big Business Wants Bail-Out From Clinton
Whatever Happened to “Change”?
The American people voted for change, but the Clinton Administration is giving us more and more of the same old tax-and-spend policies. The American people voted for reducing the deficit, but the Democratic Congress is voting to increase it. The … [Read more...] about Whatever Happened to “Change”?