It looks as if it's a lot easier for big political money to buy Congress than it is to win the hearts of grassroots voters. The Puerto Rico statehood bill, which last year appeared to be a freight train rolling down hill, ran off the track in the … [Read more...] about What Money Can and Can’t Buy
The Costs of Trading in the Global Economy
The radio ads that I heard every morning during most of the Clinton years urging me to invest in the "global economy" have disappeared from the airwaves. It's now clear that "global economy" is a euphemism for transferring American tax dollars and … [Read more...] about The Costs of Trading in the Global Economy
Court Deals Blow to Mandatory College Fees
The decision in Southworth v. Grebe, handed down recently by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, didn't make it onto national television, but it can have a profound effect on American culture and politics. The court held that it is a … [Read more...] about Court Deals Blow to Mandatory College Fees
Fed Bailout Requires Full Investigation
At the same time that Bill Clinton and his economic aides are demanding billions more for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Federal Reserve arranged for a $3.65 billion bailout of its friends in an investment group running a ""hedge fund'' … [Read more...] about Fed Bailout Requires Full Investigation
House Passes Dollars to the Classroom Act
Despite distractions, the House has just done something really constructive, and we hope the Senate will follow suit before adjournment. The House passed Rep. Joe Pitts' (R-PA) Dollars to the Classroom Act consolidating 31 federal education programs … [Read more...] about House Passes Dollars to the Classroom Act
Some People Don’t Care about Clinton’s Morals
In his struggle to hang on to his failed presidency, Bill Clinton appears only before groups he can count on to shore up his self-esteem by giving him a standing ovation, such as the United Nations General Assembly and the Council on Foreign … [Read more...] about Some People Don’t Care about Clinton’s Morals
Second Thoughts in the House about IMF
In a letter to his colleagues, Majority Leader Dick Armey has just identified what he calls the Clinton Doctrine as the rationale for the Administration's demand that the American taxpayers pony up $18 billion for the International Monetary Fund … [Read more...] about Second Thoughts in the House about IMF
California Heads for Real Campaign Finance Reform
Trend-setting California is about to show us real campaign finance reform. On June 2, Californians will vote on the Campaign Reform Initiative (CRI), also called the Paycheck Protection Plan, which, if passed, will prohibit monies from being … [Read more...] about California Heads for Real Campaign Finance Reform
At Last Somebody’s Talking about Real Tax Cuts
At last somebody in government has stepped out from the crowd and said what Americans have been waiting to hear, namely, that he has a plan to cut and simplify our oppressive tax burden and let us spend our own money any way we want to spend it. … [Read more...] about At Last Somebody’s Talking about Real Tax Cuts
What Will Clinton’s Legacy Be?
The political pundits and TV talk show personalities have begun talking about a subject they think is in their domain to decide: what President Clinton's legacy will be. Will it be a balanced budget, an expanding economy and stock market, or his … [Read more...] about What Will Clinton’s Legacy Be?