In What You Need to Know, CNN and President Trump know how the game is played: healthcare matters. Trump’s addressing healthcare and making waves. … [Read more...] about #WYNK — July 31, 2019 | Healthcare Games
Trump Wins by Framing the Debate
Prior Republican presidents allowed their opponents and the media to set the agenda. The more liberal the past GOP president, the more he took his daily cues from television and newspapers controlled by the Left. But not Trump. He tweets out … [Read more...] about Trump Wins by Framing the Debate
#WYNK — July 30, 2019 | Winner of Democratic Debates
In What You Need to Know, there will only be one winner in the Democratic debates this week… Donald Trump. The National Anthem controversy and the rest of this televised lunacy serves only to solidify support for Donald Trump’s policies and roaring … [Read more...] about #WYNK — July 30, 2019 | Winner of Democratic Debates
Ed Martin Movement – 7/25/19
Time to Investigate the Investigator. In What You Need to Know, it’s clear at the end of all this time that the Mueller investigation wasn’t an investigation — it was a witch hunt. Mueller didn’t get to the bottom of any foreign interference. … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 7/25/19
#WYNK — July 25, 2019 | Investigate the Investigators
In What You Need to Know, it’s clear at the end of all this time that the Mueller investigation wasn’t an investigation — it was a witch hunt. Mueller didn’t get to the bottom of any foreign interference. The only thing that actually happened was a … [Read more...] about #WYNK — July 25, 2019 | Investigate the Investigators
Ed Martin Movement – 7/24/19
In What You Need to Know, Robert Mueller showed his age and that he was only a figurehead of this investigation — he was not the day to day manager. The other takeaway: Mueller and Democrats today tried to muddy the waters on how investigations work. … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 7/24/19
#WYNK — July 24, 2019 | Mueller is only a Figurehead
In What You Need to Know, Robert Mueller showed his age and that he was only a figurehead of this investigation — he was not the day to day manager. The other takeaway: Mueller and Democrats today tried to muddy the waters on how investigations work. … [Read more...] about #WYNK — July 24, 2019 | Mueller is only a Figurehead
Ed Martin Movement – 7/23/19
In What You Need to Know Robert Mueller is a fraud. His testimony tomorrow will only muddy the waters and continue a partisan fueled mission against the President. He is an embarrassment to his office. Erin Hawley discusses her book … [Read more...] about Ed Martin Movement – 7/23/19
Biden and Beto Just Can’t Compete
President Trump and Joe Biden held dueling rallies in Pennsylvania, but there was a big difference in terms of enthusiasm. Biden’s campaign kickoff may have drawn a respectable crowd to a cordoned-off thoroughfare in downtown Philadelphia, but … [Read more...] about Biden and Beto Just Can’t Compete
Questions to Ask Mueller
“Just the facts, ma’am,” Detective Joe Friday was known for telling witnesses in the 1960s television series Dragnet. Trivia buffs point out that actor Jack Webb’s character never used those precise words, but he did focus like a laser beam on … [Read more...] about Questions to Ask Mueller