What has caused the greatest devastation to American cities and towns during the last seven years? Tornadoes? Hurricanes? Earth quakes? Wrong on all three guesses. The answer is the federal housing program which has destroyed $4 billion worth of … [Read more...] about Housing Fiasco
Pitfalls of Personal Diplomacy
The psychological change that takes place in most men when they move into positions of great power is a phenomenon that has been commented on by philosophers through the ages. Shakespeare declaimed: "Upon what meat does this our Caesar feed, that he … [Read more...] about Pitfalls of Personal Diplomacy
Simas Kudirka’s Gift to America — December 1974
President Gerald Ford's veto of the amendments strengthening the Freedom of Information Act provides new proof that this All American football player is becoming the victim of a bureaucratic blitz, and that he is losing touch with the thinking of … [Read more...] about FREEDOM OF INFORMATION
Dr. Kissinger’s Strange Question — November 1974
If Pan American Airlines collapses, it will not be because the U.S. Government failed to come to its rescue, but because it has been the victim of the affirmative discriminations practiced by the U.S. Government. U.S. airlines must buy their … [Read more...] about PAN AMERICAN CRISIS
How Government Causes High Prices — October 1974
Every time I drive through a predominantly black neighborhood, I am depressed at the exploitation of blacks by financial interests seeking a fast buck no matter how destructive the effect. What I refer to is the fact that there is a tavern or a … [Read more...] about EXPLOITATION OF BLACKS
A recent Federal Reserve Bank publication attacks state usury laws as "burdensome and inequitable" and indicates that they should be repealed. The purpose of state usury laws is to protect individuals from being charged interest rates in excess of … [Read more...] about USURY LAWS AND PRICES
A year ago the Department of Transportation issued a Federal decree requiring all automobiles manufactured after that date to have a seat belt system that makes it impossible to start a car unless the seat belts are properly fastened. A recent … [Read more...] about AUTO SEAT BELTS