A year ago the Department of Transportation issued a Federal decree requiring all automobiles manufactured after that date to have a seat belt system that makes it impossible to start a car unless the seat belts are properly fastened. A recent … [Read more...] about AUTO SEAT BELTS
Everybody knows that our welfare system is horribly costly. The question we must now ask ourselves is, is it immoral, too? A welfare system becomes immoral when it provides financial incentives to the recipient to avoid getting a job,when it promotes … [Read more...] about WELFARE
Centralia, Illinois, appropriately situated in the center of that great agricultural state, is famous in the middle west for its strawberries. Located on the Illinois Central Railroad, it was 80 years ago that Centralia strawberry farms began … [Read more...] about STRAWBERRIES & OSHA
One of the minor irritations that affect millions of people is the steady deterioration in the Post Office. A few of us can remember when we had twice-a-day home mail delivery, next day service, and frequent pickups at mail boxes all over town. … [Read more...] about POSTAL COMPETITION
Of all Government programs, the most immune from Congressional criticism is Social Security. When a Congressman is tempted to suggest improvements, he is stopped in his tracks by the memory of what happened to Barry Goldwater in 1964. For suggesting … [Read more...] about COST OF SOCIAL SECURITY
What’s Going On In Congress? — June 1974
The largest single investment the average individual makes in a lifetime is usually a home to live in. The right to buy, use, enjoy, sell, or leave this home to a spouse and children is sanctified by law and essential to what we call the American way … [Read more...] about LAND USE PLANNING ACT
Polls and commentators keep reminding us that Watergate has caused the American people to lose faith in their government leaders. But this dark cloud has one bright silver lining. The public's loss of faith in government officials has been … [Read more...] about CUT FEDERAL BUDGET
Polls and commentators keep reminding us that Watergate has caused the American people to lose faith in their government leaders. But this dark cloud has one bright silver lining. The public's loss of faith in government officials has been … [Read more...] about CUT FEDERAL BUDGET
On November 23, 1970, a Lithuanian seaman named Simas Kudirka leaped from the deck of a Soviet fishing trawler to the U.S. Coast Guard ship called the Vigilant, and asked political asylum. The two ships were anchored side by side in American … [Read more...] about SIMAS KUDIRKA