Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · #WYNK: Feminists Don't Know What They're Doing | May 16, 2022 #ProAmericaReport Welcome, welcome. Welcome. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together and we have another great show. In just a … [Read more...] about #WYNK: Feminists Don’t Know What They’re Doing
By 1977, it was clear that those in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment were losing steam quickly. Phyllis Schlafly and her Stop ERA army were gaining more ground than ever. As Indiana became the thirty-fifth state to ratify ERA, women’s libbers concocted a plan to get the momentum they needed to push ERA the rest of the way to total ratification.
They lobbied for and received five million taxpayer dollars from Congress to host an “International Women’s Year" (IWY), which would include state conventions throughout the summer of 1977 and culminate in a national convention in Houston, Texas. And so the battle began for whose voice would speak for the women of America.
This weekend marks the 40th Anniversary of that Houston International Women's Year Convention. We'll be sending you a brief each day reliving part of the dramatic story behind this fateful time in American culture and the ensuing pro-life and pro-family victory over the disastrous Equal Rights Amendment.
Today we will begin this week's journey through history with a highlight event that continues to be covered up - The Pro-Family Rally for God, Family, and Country. This event held in Houston on November 19, 1977 stood in stark contrast to the IWY Convention a few blocks away. Not only did the television images of IWY reveal to the public just how out of touch the radical feminist agenda was with American values, but the crowd sizes spoke to the support of most Americans.
The taxpayer-funded feminists found themselves struggling to fill a 9,000-capacity hall, while the pro-family movement packed the Houston Astrodome with 20,000 pro-life, pro-family activists. This pro-family rally has been swept under the rug and even outright lied about by the mainstream media and the history revisionists for years.
Take a look at all exciting installments in this series:
IWY Recap: Forty Years after International Women’s Year
On this day forty years ago, the national convention in Houston, Texas, of the National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year came to a close. The radical feminist agenda in the form of the Equal Rights Amendment would … [Read more...] about IWY Recap: Forty Years after International Women’s Year
IWY: Nanny State Daycare
As we wrap up our coverage of the 40th Anniversary of the failed International Women's Year activities, we will highlight a final issue that carried on years past the 1977 Houston Convention. The feminists in Houston contrived a multi-plank … [Read more...] about IWY: Nanny State Daycare
IWY: ERA Leaders’ Radical Agenda
Leaders of the "women's liberation" movement in the 1970s claimed time and again that their true motives were to defend all American women and give them, once and for all, true equality under the law. Proponents of the ERA made similar … [Read more...] about IWY: ERA Leaders’ Radical Agenda
IWY: Anniversary of The ‘Battle of Midway’ for the Pro-Family Movement
By 1977, it was clear that those in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment were losing steam quickly. Phyllis Schlafly and her Stop ERA army were gaining more ground than ever. As Indiana became the thirty-fifth state to ratify ERA, women’s … [Read more...] about IWY: Anniversary of The ‘Battle of Midway’ for the Pro-Family Movement
IWY: Anniversary of The “Battle of Midway” for the Pro-Family Movement
By 1977, it was clear that those in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment were losing steam quickly. Phyllis Schlafly and her Stop ERA army were gaining more ground than ever. As Indiana became the thirty-fifth state to ratify ERA, women’s … [Read more...] about IWY: Anniversary of The “Battle of Midway” for the Pro-Family Movement
E.R.A. Suffers 1978 Defeats — March 1978
Press Comment About the IWY Houston Convention — January 1978
IWY: A Front for Radicals and Lesbians — August 1977
IWY: A Front for Radicals and Lesbians All the State Conferences sponsored by the National Commission on International Women's Year, and financed by some $3 million of your Federal tax money, have now been held. All that remains now is for another … [Read more...] about IWY: A Front for Radicals and Lesbians — August 1977
Federal Financing of a Foolish Festival For Frustrated Feminists — May 1977
Federal Financing of a Foolish Festival For Frustrated Feminists $5 million of the Federal taxpayers’ money will be spent during 1977 on some 50 state conferences where, according to Chairman Bella Abzug, women will come together “to air their … [Read more...] about Federal Financing of a Foolish Festival For Frustrated Feminists — May 1977