The pompous oracle of a handful of bureaucrats is causing job losses nationwide through vaccine mandates. On Monday, even the football coach of the Washington State Cougars was fired merely because he declined to take the COVID vaccine by an … [Read more...] about End Public Health Dictatorship
Biden Down to 38%
Joe Biden has declined to 38%, and not just in his mental capacity. The reliable Quinnipiac poll announced that Biden’s disapproval has risen to 53% while his approval falls to only 38%. Interviews of ordinary Democrats confirm the dismay, … [Read more...] about Biden Down to 38%
Vaccine Tyranny Gets Booed
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) spoke to Republican supporters on Saturday in his home state, but they turned against him when he repeated the talking points of vaccine tyrants. Thousands have lost their jobs and 16,000 have died soon after receiving … [Read more...] about Vaccine Tyranny Gets Booed
Wrong Kind of Crackdown at Border
“I promise you, those people will pay,” President Biden declared about images from our country’s southern border near Del Rio, Texas. “There is an investigation underway right now and there will be consequences.” “Horses running them over, people … [Read more...] about Wrong Kind of Crackdown at Border
Trump Vindicated on Covid Origin
After publishing articles that wrongly disparaged anyone who suggests that Covid-19 might be a man-made virus from China, the liberal British medical journal Lancet makes a U-turn by publishing a new article harshly criticizing its prior ones. … [Read more...] about Trump Vindicated on Covid Origin
Can Biden Compel 70M Americans?
President Biden’s televised threat to compel most Americans to receive the controversial Covid vaccine raises tyranny to a level rarely before seen in our great country. Going a step further, public health guru Dr. Anthony Fauci has endorsed … [Read more...] about Can Biden Compel 70M Americans?
“Can’t Sit on the Sidelines Anymore”
Herschel Walker jumps into the Georgia U.S. Senate race that is already one of the most-watched in the country. This seat is currently held by a Democrat based on porous voting procedures that Georgia has supposedly since fixed, and Republicans could … [Read more...] about “Can’t Sit on the Sidelines Anymore”
What Biden Left Behind
Some $85 billion worth of America’s most advanced military technology was left behind in Afghanistan, a shocking revelation that by itself would justify President Biden’s removal from office, along with his entire national security team. Biden has … [Read more...] about What Biden Left Behind
Wanton War on Early Covid Treatment
By blocking early treatment for Covid, liberals have pushed our society into unprecedented government controls. These include mandatory masking of children as young as 5, vaccine passport requirements for entering restaurants, and even a long-running … [Read more...] about Wanton War on Early Covid Treatment
Progressives’ Last Stand in Afghanistan
While President Biden tries to blame Donald Trump or even Afghans themselves for the collapse of Afghanistan to the Taliban, the real lesson is the failure of progressive policies there. The unmitigated disaster for America’s armchair nation-builders … [Read more...] about Progressives’ Last Stand in Afghanistan