Like most college graduates, I receive a magazine sent regularly with the compliments of my alma mater. The current issue of the 'Radcliffe Quarterly" presents statistics which show that, whereas all young women are having fewer children, four-year … [Read more...] about Dropping Out of Motherhood
The Mess in HEW
What is the biggest mess in Washington today? Some say it is the high-crime areas. Others say it is the postal system with its increasing deficits, higher postal rates, and decreasing service. It is more probable that this dubious title belongs to … [Read more...] about The Mess in HEW
The Hypocrisy of ERA Proponents — July 1975
Census Report
Sometimes news events of the most far-reaching consequences appear in newspapers only in inconspicuous stories on the back pages. One such little-noticed item was the recent U.S. Census Bureau report that we suffered a record decline in American … [Read more...] about Census Report
National Science Foundation
There is a certain group of Congressmen who have become super-solicitous about every dollar of defense expenditures. They are unwilling to accept the recommendations of our military experts, and require them to justify every weapon and explain every … [Read more...] about National Science Foundation
Spectators of Crimes
Eleven years ago, a New York woman named Kitty Genovese became famous as the victim of a prolonged stabbing because 38 neighbors looked out their windows and watched the crime, but did nothing to help her. This year a similar murder took place in the … [Read more...] about Spectators of Crimes
The Chinese say that a picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to the subject of abortion, a picture is worth hundreds of thousands of words from the most eloquent speaker, the most gifted writer, the most persuasive salesman, or the most … [Read more...] about BOSTON ABORTION DECISION
E.R.A. Means Abortion and Population Shrinkage — December 1974
The Christmas season is a time for children — and also a time to explode the myth of the alleged population explosion. Our birthrate today is only two children per family. We have already reached Zero Population Growth, and the birth rate is still … [Read more...] about POPULATION EXPLOSION
The recent horrible crime in Boston, when six youths poured gasoline over a 24-year-old woman and burned her to death, is proof again that many of our young people do not believe in the Ten Commandments and are not morally educated enough to live in … [Read more...] about MORALITY IN SCHOOLS