What You Need to Know is America is winning — despite the naysayers and swamp creature impeachment witnesses. Confidence in the Trump economy has hit the highest level ever. How much more winning do we have to do for the Swamp to … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 11/21/19
Planned Parenthood Unveils Secret Mega-Clinic
Pro-life warriors everywhere can rejoice knowing that Planned Parenthood is on the run. Efforts like the highly successful Heartbeat Bill have threatened their ability to operate their abortion mills in multiple states. However, we shouldn’t deceive … [Read more...] about Planned Parenthood Unveils Secret Mega-Clinic
The Ed Martin Movement 10/24/19
What You Need to Know is who will stand and fight. Trump responds. Andy Schlafly talks about what the Supreme Court is taking up. Police warn of potentially deadly batch of heroin in Virginia. Phil Kerpen of American Commitment talks about … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 10/24/19
The Ed Martin Movement 10/22/19
Today What You Need to Know is the Democrats’ laundry list to impeachment — and it’s filled with things that aren’t impeachable offenses. Rand Paul joins to talk about Congress, Syria, his new book and a host of other issues! Get his … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 10/22/19
The Ed Martin Movement 10/11/19
What You Need to Know is when Trump holds the line on policy, it helps the whole world. He is ending dangerous U.S. refugee practices. Also, China and the NBA. Julie Kelly of American Greatness talks about mean letters … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 10/11/19
Planned Parenthood Exits Title X Federal Grants
Yesterday we covered Planned Parenthood’s court loss in the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. You won’t be surprised to hear that Planned Parenthood, of course, sought a rehearing of that case, “en banc” - which means a full sitting of all active … [Read more...] about Planned Parenthood Exits Title X Federal Grants
Trump Defeats Planned Parenthood in Ninth Circuit
Last month the first physician to run Planned Parenthood in nearly a half-century was forced out because she actually wanted to focus on women’s health. Her firing proved what many Americans already knew: that Planned Parenthood exists … [Read more...] about Trump Defeats Planned Parenthood in Ninth Circuit
The Ed Martin Movement 10/3/19
WYNK (What You Need to Know) is, are calls for impeachment a strategy for a Democrat blockade of nominations to the Supreme Court? I have predicted time and again that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg won't be on the court past the end of this year. When … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 10/3/19
The Ed Martin Movement 10/1/19
WYNK (What You Need to Know) is, as with everything Congress does, Democrat actions for this crazy impeachment coup is all about getting reelected. If they don't vote for impeachment before the candidate filing deadline, they will face primary … [Read more...] about The Ed Martin Movement 10/1/19
Thorner: Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Hear From Conservative Policy Makers and Current Authors
Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Council XLVIII (48th) took place on September 13-14-15, 2019 at the Marriott St. Louis Airport, St. Louis, Missouri. In 1972, Phyllis founded Eagle Forum, a conservative political interest group. Ed Martin became president … [Read more...] about Thorner: Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Hear From Conservative Policy Makers and Current Authors