What You Need to Know is Biden is not really President! Joe Biden isn’t acting like a President, he acts like he’s still a Senator, not leading just petulantly yelling (like a Senator). This isn’t a new idea, I’ve been saying this for the last 6 … [Read more...] about Joe Biden Isn’t Really President | 01.19.2022 #ProAmericaReport
Pro Life Means Drain the Swamp | 01.18.2022 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is being pro-life means we have to drain the swamp. When you take a look at the abortion industry, all you have to do is follow the money to see how deeply entrenched it is with corrupt politicians and other special interests. … [Read more...] about Pro Life Means Drain the Swamp | 01.18.2022 #ProAmericaReport
Biden Bottoming Out | 01.17.2022 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Joe Biden is bottoming out. It’s just epic and astonishing how badly the administration is failing to adjust to the fallout. It’s often the natural flow that a sitting president takes a hit in Congress during their first … [Read more...] about Biden Bottoming Out | 01.17.2022 #ProAmericaReport
Heartbeat Leaders Recognized This Week
For Immediate Release: January 17, 2022Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Janet Porter, Mississippi, Texas Leaders To Be Honored at March for Life Event Washington, D.C.: "As the countdown to March for Life 2022 takes place this … [Read more...] about Heartbeat Leaders Recognized This Week
The Christmas Miracle of José Feliciano
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · December 22 | The Christmas Miracle of José Feliciano In the spirit of the Christmas season, I would like to tell you a truly heartwarming story from the writer of one of the most popular Christmas songs of the last … [Read more...] about The Christmas Miracle of José Feliciano
SCOTUS Again Refuses To Block Texas Heartbeat Law
For Immediate Release: December 14, 2021Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director High Court Rebuffs Biden Admin, Narrows Challenges To SB8 Washington, D.C.: "The Supreme Court delivered a sound legal victory for the right to life," said … [Read more...] about SCOTUS Again Refuses To Block Texas Heartbeat Law
Takeaways from Dobbs | 12.03.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know about the Dobbs case. Two takeaways from what media is covering on the Dobbs oral arguments — 1. They are trying to focus on how old Roe v. Wade is. It’s only 50 years old. And the Supreme Court can undo that decision. 2. The … [Read more...] about Takeaways from Dobbs | 12.03.2021 #ProAmericaReport
Roe v. Wade Reveals Justices’ Abuse of Discretion
For Immediate Release: December 2, 2021Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Chief Justice Robert Pokes at the Truth About So-Called "Right" to Abortion Washington, D.C.: "During yesterday's oral arguments on Dobbs, Chief … [Read more...] about Roe v. Wade Reveals Justices’ Abuse of Discretion
Dobbs Could Overturn Roe | 12.01.2021 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is Dobbs could overturn Roe! The Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Org case that was just heard before the Supreme Court seems poised to overturn the bad judicial decision of Roe v. Wade. Roe is just one of a few … [Read more...] about Dobbs Could Overturn Roe | 12.01.2021 #ProAmericaReport
SCOTUS To Hear Oral Arguments Against Outdated Roe
For Immediate Release: November 30, 2021Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director Times and Science Have Changed, So Should Roe v. Wade Washington, D.C.: "In the nearly fifty years since the Supreme Court ineptly failed to … [Read more...] about SCOTUS To Hear Oral Arguments Against Outdated Roe