What You Need to Know is give peace a chance, Kansas City! KC is the new epicenter of the movement to racialize a tragic death of a young black person. We saw it in Ferguson, St. Louis County in 2014 and we have seen the same all over the country. As … [Read more...] about Give Peace a Chance, Kansas City | 04.19.2023 #ProAmericaReport
Systematic Effort to Undermine Our Institutions | 04.18.2023 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is about the systematic effort to undermine our institutions. The media is reporting breathlessly on the danger of Clarence Thomas. They claim we’re headed toward a cataclysmic “red judges vs. blue governors,” but the reality is … [Read more...] about Systematic Effort to Undermine Our Institutions | 04.18.2023 #ProAmericaReport
End Promotion of Transgender Culture
Cover Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash With the zeal of a fanatic, the transgender culture is being imposed on Americans while most of the rest of the world opposes this. The latest salvo two weeks ago was the giant brewery, AB InBev, placing a … [Read more...] about End Promotion of Transgender Culture
Sometimes Silence is a Cover | 04.14.2023 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is sometimes silence is a cover. Sen. Feinstein hasn’t been at work because of a bout with shingles. Sen. Fetterman has been in the hospital for weeks. Sen. Blumenthal broke his leg and has been out of work. These folks are … [Read more...] about Sometimes Silence is a Cover | 04.14.2023 #ProAmericaReport
Debunking Two Major Election Talking Points | 04.13.2023 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is debunking two major election talking points. First, there’s a narrative that the post Dobbs / Roe decision world has been cataclysmic for conservatives. That’s simply a lie made to shut us up! Evidence shows the opposite. … [Read more...] about Debunking Two Major Election Talking Points | 04.13.2023 #ProAmericaReport
Self Esteem Out, Hard Work In
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · April 13 | Self Esteem Out, Hard Work In **Previously recorded by Phyllis Schlafly // April 2012 ** Conservatives have long argued that teachers who prop up their students' self-esteem were doing the wrong thing. … [Read more...] about Self Esteem Out, Hard Work In
It’s Important We Demand the Evidence | 04.12.2023 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is it’s important we demand the evidence! Ann Coulter reminds us in her column this week that whenever leftists scream racism, sexism, or oppression of any kind and try to cancel someone — demand to see the tape! Demand they … [Read more...] about It’s Important We Demand the Evidence | 04.12.2023 #ProAmericaReport
A Strong America Keeps the World Stable | 04.11.2023 #ProAmericaReport
What You Need to Know is that a strong America keeps the world stable. We must be militarily superior so we can keep peace. We must be economically strong so we can bring stability. However, America loses its international presence when we don’t have … [Read more...] about A Strong America Keeps the World Stable | 04.11.2023 #ProAmericaReport
Court Rejects FDA’s Abortion Scheme
Featured image by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the abortion industry pushed the FDA to approve the import and sale of the abortion pill dubbed RU-486 by its French manufacturer. The slang term “86” means to eject or … [Read more...] about Court Rejects FDA’s Abortion Scheme
#WYNK: Trump Thinks Outside the Box
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles · #WYNK: Trump Thinks Outside the Box | April 10, 2023 #ProAmericaReport The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report. Welcome, Welcome, welcome. I hope everybody had a great holiday weekend. Great to be … [Read more...] about #WYNK: Trump Thinks Outside the Box