… [Read more...] about How ERA Will Hurt Divorced Women — May 1974
Are Schools and Colleges Worth Their Cost? — May 1974
The largest single investment the average individual makes in a lifetime is usually a home to live in. The right to buy, use, enjoy, sell, or leave this home to a spouse and children is sanctified by law and essential to what we call the American way … [Read more...] about LAND USE PLANNING ACT
Social Security has been considered a sacred cow which no politician dares to criticize. Yet, there is one feature of the Social Security Law which is highly unjust to more than 2 ½ million citizens between the ages of 65 and 72. A person over 65 … [Read more...] about SOCIAL SECURITY
Every fall, millions of six-year-olds start to school, eager to learn to read. Three months later, they are bored and disorderly, for they still haven't started to learn. Instead, they are subjected to volume after volume of boring, repetitious, … [Read more...] about PHONICS: THE KEY TO READING
Playboy And Rockefeller Foundations Finance ERA — April 1974
What is the best investment a citizen could have made during the last five years to protect his family from galloping inflation? Not common stocks. Not government bonds. Not city real estate. Certainly not life insurance, or annuities, or … [Read more...] about GOLD
"There is manifest in the country — for the first time in our history — an active loss of enchantment with our schools... from kindergarten through graduate school... Americans in significant numbers are questioning the purpose of education, the … [Read more...] about S.A.T. SCORES DECLINE
Are You Financing Women’s Lib and ERA? — February 1974
Federal Spending For Education
One of the evidences that our society has become more materialistic than idealistic is the general presumption that all problems can be solved by spending more money. Nowhere is this delusion so rampant as in the field of education. Between 1961 and … [Read more...] about Federal Spending For Education