Every time I drive through a predominantly black neighborhood, I am depressed at the exploitation of blacks by financial interests seeking a fast buck no matter how destructive the effect. What I refer to is the fact that there is a tavern or a … [Read more...] about EXPLOITATION OF BLACKS
ERA And Homosexual “Marriages” — September 1974
It used to be that the primary purpose of American schools was to train our young people in certain skills such as reading and arithmetic, to impart knowledge such as history and geography, and to build character so they would develop into useful … [Read more...] about PRIORITIES IN EDUCATION
Everybody knows that our welfare system is horribly costly. The question we must now ask ourselves is, is it immoral, too? A welfare system becomes immoral when it provides financial incentives to the recipient to avoid getting a job,when it promotes … [Read more...] about WELFARE
HEW Regulations About “ Sexism” in the Schools — August 1974
Who Opposes the Equal Rights Amendment? — July 1974
Millions of television viewers who watched the Democratic National Convention of 1972 were shocked to see the advocates of homosexuality speaking during precious prime—time hours. The occasion was the discussion of the party platform, and the plank … [Read more...] about HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS
Why Virginia Rejected ERA — June 1974
Among the many thousands of words spoken recently in observance of the 20th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Broim V, Board of Education which outlawed school segregation, one of the most interesting was the interview given by the … [Read more...] about SCHOOL INTEGRATION
The United States spends more per student on education than any other nation. Our magnificent education facilities, school buildings, gymnasiums, laboratories, college campuses, endowments and scholarships are the envy of the world. Yet, something is … [Read more...] about MORAL EDUCATION NEEDED