The Chinese say that a picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to the subject of abortion, a picture is worth hundreds of thousands of words from the most eloquent speaker, the most gifted writer, the most persuasive salesman, or the most … [Read more...] about BOSTON ABORTION DECISION
How ERA Will Affect Our Local Police — February 1975
The Financial Squeeze On The U.S. Worker Social Security, Welfare, Jobs, Savings — February 1975
When the Gallup Poll recently issued its annual list of the ten most-admired men and women, one striking fact emerged. Nine out of the ten most-admired men and all the ten most-admired women turned out to be either politicians or wives of … [Read more...] about GALLUP’S LIST
ERA Will Doom Fraternities and Sororities — January 1975
The West Virginia Textbook Case — January 1975
A welcome piece of good news recently came out of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare when Peter E. Holmes, Director of the Office of Civil Rights, announced that colleges and universities should henceforth in all cases hire the most … [Read more...] about REVERSE DISCRIMINATION
The year 1974 was one of our country's most newsworthy years - including the first resignation of a President and his succession by a President and Vice President who were not elected by the people. Yet, the event with the greatest potential for … [Read more...] about TEXTBOOKS & PARENTS
If there ever was a time when the world needs the Christmas message of Hope, it is today. On all sides we are confronted by the prophets of gloom and doom. The environ mentalists foresee a dismal future of man's greed consuming the earth. The … [Read more...] about CHRISTMAS HOPE
During the recent furor about Cyprus, NEWSWEEK Magazine quoted Henry Kissinger as saying about President Ford: "He doesn't know what it's all about." Those words sounded harsh at the time, but they accurately express the way President Ford played out … [Read more...] about SIBERIAN SUMMIT