How does the Federal bureaucracy fund new projects which Congress has not approved and for which Congress has not appropriated any money? A good example is provided by the way Federal tax dollars are currently being spent for International Women's … [Read more...] about International Woman’s Year
Big Money And Tough Tactics To Ratify E.R.A. — June 1975
National Science Foundation
There is a certain group of Congressmen who have become super-solicitous about every dollar of defense expenditures. They are unwilling to accept the recommendations of our military experts, and require them to justify every weapon and explain every … [Read more...] about National Science Foundation
Job Preference
The unemployment rate has climbed to nearly nine percent, the highest since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The plain fact is that there are not enough jobs to go around. However, the economic hardship of unemployment does not fall equally on … [Read more...] about Job Preference
How E.R.A. Will Hurt Men — May 1975
The word "assassin" was originally derived from the Arabic word "hashshashin," which means eaters of hashish. This bit of etymology tells something about the world's practical experience with the de humanizing effect on those who use hashish, one of … [Read more...] about Marijuana
Spectators of Crimes
Eleven years ago, a New York woman named Kitty Genovese became famous as the victim of a prolonged stabbing because 38 neighbors looked out their windows and watched the crime, but did nothing to help her. This year a similar murder took place in the … [Read more...] about Spectators of Crimes
Modern Art Unmasked
Is Modern Art an enigma to you? Are you one of the many millions whose reaction to those ugly and incoherent shapes is to shake your head in disbelief or to walk silently through museums and public places too embarrassed to criticize what you cannot … [Read more...] about Modern Art Unmasked
How E.R.A. Will Affect Athletics — April 1975
How E.R.A. Will Affect Churches And Private Schools — March 1975