… [Read more...] about The Pictures The Press Didn’t Print — June 1976
Religion in Politics
In 1960 the winning presidential candidate, John F. Kennedy, went to great pains to put distance between himself and his church and to reassure every questioner that his religion would never interfere with his judgment as President. His campaign … [Read more...] about Religion in Politics
How To Cope With TV and Radio Bias — April 1976
The Teaching of Writing
In our current era of consumerism, it is a wonder that Ralph Nadar or some public interest law firm hasn't investigated the shoddiest consumer product or service on the market today -- the teaching of writing by the public schools. When Detroit … [Read more...] about The Teaching of Writing
The First Ladies of the Legislatures — March 1976
Grime and Punishment — March 1976
The Mess in HEW
What is the biggest mess in Washington today? Some say it is the high-crime areas. Others say it is the postal system with its increasing deficits, higher postal rates, and decreasing service. It is more probable that this dubious title belongs to … [Read more...] about The Mess in HEW
Agatha Christie
It is fortunate that equal employment quotas have never been enforced on the writing business, because world opinion has cheerfully enjoyed a persistent discrimination by book publishers in favor of one elderly woman who died recently at the age of … [Read more...] about Agatha Christie
E.R.A. and Women’s Colleges — February 1976
The Cure for the Problem of the Schools — February 1976