Where is the pressure coming from to make baby-sitting of preschool children, including infants, a federal function? Of course, we know that the liberals always propose a new federal agency as the “solution” to every problem, and we know that the … [Read more...] about A Hidden Network Promotes Federal Baby-Sitting
Trying to Pull the Wool Over Grandmother’s Eyes
When Ronald Reagan commented last year that we certainly don’t want any federal daycare bills that would require the registration of grandmothers, he hit a tender nerve with the liberal Congressmen who are trying to paint themselves as pro-family. … [Read more...] about Trying to Pull the Wool Over Grandmother’s Eyes
Education Reporter — May 1989
The Uncertain World of Psychiatric Treatment
Psychiatry, the practice of treating mental disease or disorders, is the only medical specialty in which there are no generally accepted professional guidelines. Pick you practitioner and he picks your treatment. The custom is, caveat emptor: let the … [Read more...] about The Uncertain World of Psychiatric Treatment
Four Bad Ideas About Public Schools — May 1989
Little Children Don’t Belong in Institutions
Newsweek magazine has cautiously opened the door to public controvery about how children age 5 through 8 are taught in public schools today and how new research indicates that most schools are using an entirely wrong approach. Newsweek phrases its … [Read more...] about Little Children Don’t Belong in Institutions
Will Children Get Real Money or Funny Money
“I’m from the government and I’m here to help you” is a standard straight-man line in comedy routines. It’s always good for a laugh. As applied to child care, it would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. With a track record like the government has … [Read more...] about Will Children Get Real Money or Funny Money
Education Reporter — April 1989
The $25 Million NIH Sex Study
The Federal Government wants to spend $2 million to ask 2,300 Americans when they last had sex, whether their partner was aman or a woman, and precisely what they did and what devices they used in the act. That’s Phase I of the project, which is … [Read more...] about The $25 Million NIH Sex Study
The Mommy Track is Feminist Heresy
Feminist hysteria about the “Mommy Track” has been an entertaining diversion during a spring in which the media alternate between depressing reports about the Alaskan oil spill and tiresome complaints about how President Bush isn’t doing what they … [Read more...] about The Mommy Track is Feminist Heresy