… [Read more...] about A “New Age” for Privacy-Invading Psychiatry — February 1990
Why University Standards are so Low
You may have suspected that academic standards of American universities have declined, but you won’t know how low until you read ProfScam by Charles J. Sykes (just published in paperback: St. Martin’s, $9.95). This book is a devastating indictment of … [Read more...] about Why University Standards are so Low
The Lesson of Women in Combat in Panama
The real lesson we learn from the use of women in the Panama invasion is that most of what we hear about the performance of women in the U.S. Army is grossly exaggerated even to the point of falsehood. The U.S. Army finally admitted that, contrary … [Read more...] about The Lesson of Women in Combat in Panama
Education Reporter — January 1990
Look Who’s Lobbying for Federal Daycare
The alleged demand for the Federal Government to initiate a giant daycare apparatus, with all the trappings of new bureaucracy and regulation, is a creation of the media who are pursuing a liberal agenda and of special-interest groups which seek to … [Read more...] about Look Who’s Lobbying for Federal Daycare
Tell it Like it is, Al Shanker
“American education as it exists today will not be tolerated by the American people, by our business community, by our policy leaders for more than another few years.” That was said, not by some so-called “enemy” of public schools, but by Al Shanker, … [Read more...] about Tell it Like it is, Al Shanker
Look Who’s Lobbying For Federal Daycare — January 1990
Censorship of Religious Songs
An indignant parent appeared before the Mayfield City School Board in Cleveland, Ohio recently because the 4th grade daughter Kristen had been prohibited from singing “Jesus Put a song in My Heart” at a purely voluntary school talent show. School … [Read more...] about Censorship of Religious Songs
Education Reporter — December 1989
Insights Into Feminist Ideology — December 1989