When the liberal Democratic leadership plowed ahead with its determination to set up a federal baby-sitting bureaucracy, House conservatives countered with their substitute, called Stenholm-Shaw. The difference between Hawkins-Downey and … [Read more...] about The Total Difference in the Child Care Bills
War of the Roses
I finally saw the movie “War of the Roses” after it left the theaters and hit the video circuit. It was quite a surprise to find an old-fashioned morality play lurking behind an R-rated movie with bad words and embarrassingly explicit sexual … [Read more...] about War of the Roses
The New York Times Pro-Abortion Bias is Showing
Most media observers have recognized for year that the New York Times’ slogan “All the News that’s Fit to Print” should read, “All the News that Fits.” The Times’ reportage on the March 20 Illinois Primary is a case in point. The Times’ … [Read more...] about The New York Times Pro-Abortion Bias is Showing
Facing the Future: Family vs. Feminism — April 1990
Special-Interest Agendas in the Classroom
Look who is trying to impose a special-interest agenda on the captive audience of other people’s minor children in the public schools! It’s not the right wingers, not the fundamentalists, but the environmentalists, the media, and the … [Read more...] about Special-Interest Agendas in the Classroom
Education Reporter — March 1990
Education Reporter — February 1990
People Just Don’t Want Government Child Care
There’s a nasty little secret circulating in the cloakrooms of Congress. While liberal Democrats publicly proclaim that a bill will soon pass to plunge the Federal Government headlong into the business of babysitting preschool children, these same … [Read more...] about People Just Don’t Want Government Child Care
Censoring Out Western Culture
The educators have come up with all kinds of excuses to explain why some minorities are falling behind in the essential skills and knowledge which we expect them to acquire during their years in public schools. The public is no longer willing to … [Read more...] about Censoring Out Western Culture
Look Who’s Censoring Books!
John Buchanan, chairman of the lobby group called People for the American Way (PAW) appeared before the Alabama State Textbook Committee recently to urge censoring a 1989 supplementary science book called Of Pandas and People by Percival Davis, Dean … [Read more...] about Look Who’s Censoring Books!