Look Who’s Lobbying for Federal Daycare
The alleged demand for the Federal Government to initiate a giant daycare apparatus, with all the trappings of new bureaucracy and regulation, is a creation of the media who are pursuing a liberal agenda and of special-interest groups which seek to … [Read more...] about Look Who’s Lobbying for Federal Daycare
Tell it Like it is, Al Shanker
“American education as it exists today will not be tolerated by the American people, by our business community, by our policy leaders for more than another few years.” That was said, not by some so-called “enemy” of public schools, but by Al Shanker, … [Read more...] about Tell it Like it is, Al Shanker
Look Who’s Lobbying For Federal Daycare — January 1990
Censorship of Religious Songs
An indignant parent appeared before the Mayfield City School Board in Cleveland, Ohio recently because the 4th grade daughter Kristen had been prohibited from singing “Jesus Put a song in My Heart” at a purely voluntary school talent show. School … [Read more...] about Censorship of Religious Songs
Education Reporter — December 1989
Insights Into Feminist Ideology — December 1989
Look Who’s Cheating on Reading Tests
The state of Michigan last month gave a new-style reading test to all public school pupils in the 4th, 7th and 10th grades. A careful look at the Michigan test (called MEAP: Michigan Educational Assessment Program) shows that it is a cheat on the … [Read more...] about Look Who’s Cheating on Reading Tests
Education Reporter — November 1989
Facing the Future of Families
Anyone who reads the print media closely can find a few items now and then that run contrary to the prevailing liberal and feminist ideologies. For example, despite our being harangued for the last 15 years about how degrading it is to call a woman a … [Read more...] about Facing the Future of Families