The fallout from the failed Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood nominations for Attorney General has produced a torrent of social commentary from the feminists. The feminists have generally divided between those who stood by their man, Bill Clinton, because … [Read more...] about Fallout From the Attorney General Fracas
Education Reporter — February 1993
Spoilers in the Republican Party
For most Republicans, getting a favorable front-page story or a primetime segment on the evening network TV newscasts is difficult. But there is one surefire formula - attack other Republicans. Richard N. Bond joined the ranks of unemployed … [Read more...] about Spoilers in the Republican Party
Spoilers in the Republican Party
For most Republicans, getting a favorable front-page story or a primetime segment on the evening network TV newscasts is difficult. But there is one surefire formula - attack other Republicans. Richard N. Bond joined the ranks of unemployed … [Read more...] about Spoilers in the Republican Party
The New Fad: Outcome-Based Education
“Who owns the children?” asks Peg Luksik of Johnstown, founder and chairman of a parents’ advocacy group called the Pennsylvania Parents Commission. “Who determines what values, attitudes, and beliefs they should hold?” That's the question … [Read more...] about The New Fad: Outcome-Based Education
Education Reporter — January 1993
The Arrogance of the Public School Establishment — January 1993
U.N. Treaty Would Pit Child Against Parents
The Children's Defense Fund, the chief vehicle for those who want government to take over the raising of children, has a new goal under the Clinton Administration. Having failed to get Congress to pass the costly ABC daycare bill, the Fund is now … [Read more...] about U.N. Treaty Would Pit Child Against Parents
The Arrogance of the Public School Establishment
Just suppose that the so-called Religious Right placed one of its own as superintendent of the New York public school system, who then tried to install a curriculum disparaging homosexuality or depicting the “Ozzie and Harriet” family as society's … [Read more...] about The Arrogance of the Public School Establishment