Those who say Republican leaders should focus on the "real issues" instead of on the Clintons' scandals are correct. There is plenty to say about Clinton's proposed takeover of the health care industry, the impending federal takeover of the … [Read more...] about The Feminists’ Hypocrisy and Double Standards
Education Reporter — May 1994
Federal Grab for Control of Education
The same Congress that can't be trusted to run a bank, a restaurant or a post office, whose most powerful member is on the verge of being indicted, wants to take over the entire U.S. school system as well as the entire health industry. While the … [Read more...] about Federal Grab for Control of Education
How the Schools Produce Juvenile Delinquents
Study after study of adolescents at correctional institutions has shown that the one thing they have in common is that they cannot-read. With a research grant funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Michael Brunner set out to determine if the … [Read more...] about How the Schools Produce Juvenile Delinquents
Big Brother Education, 1994 — May 1994
Colleges Should Display Warning Labels
Based on my visits to hundreds of college campuses, I believe that all colleges should be subject to Truth in Labeling requirements and should carry warning labels to advise teenagers what they are getting into. It takes extraordinary smarts, … [Read more...] about Colleges Should Display Warning Labels
Education Reporter — April 1994
Senator Grassley Scores Victory for Parents
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) delivered a stunning victory for parents with the signing into law of his Parental Rights Restoration Amendment to Goals 2000. His amendment simplifies and puts teeth into the existing Protection of Pupil Rights … [Read more...] about Senator Grassley Scores Victory for Parents
Colleges Should Display Warning Labels — April 1994
Hillary Takes Some Hard Knocks
It's amusing to see how the liberal male newsmen and commentators have suddenly shed their inhibitions and started to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton. Some say there has always been a taboo against criticizing First Ladies, but that didn't stop … [Read more...] about Hillary Takes Some Hard Knocks